We returned to Radville to live in 1944 and this was to be our home for nearly eleven years. We are growing older and the years seem to glide together more and more as they pass. We shall make little effort to keep things in order chronologically during this period. We shall talk about events rather than history from year to year.

For twelve years we had carried on a Bible School. A building had been purchased in Radville for the use of the school. The school was controlled by whoever taught it each year. There was a movement on foot to organize the school and to make it into a four year High School. A meeting was called and it was generally agreed that there should be a Board of Directors but some opposed the idea of having anything more than a Bible School. However, the majority favoured the idea of a full fledged High School. So, Radville Christian College was born. I served as one of the first directors along with Wilfred Orr, H. E. Peterson, Gordon Pennock, and Manley Jacobs. Manley Jacobs still serves on the Board. It is many years since any of the rest of us have served on the Board. I did, however, act as treasurer of the school for a number of years. I turned this work over to Brother Ernest Andreas and he is still treasurer. I also headed the Bible department for a number of years. In fact I continued in this capacity until I moved to Carman, Manitoba. That belongs to another chapter.

In order to get help for the school I made several trips south. I appeared on the lectureship at Abilene Christian College a number of times and have become acquainted with scores of brethren in this way. I visited in several other States in connection with the school. However, there is only one job that I can do, and do well, and some might even question that, and that is preach. I did not lose any interest in the school but I wanted to give full time to preaching so I severed my connection with the school, in any official way, and moved to Carman.

A tremendous amount of good has been done by the school through the years. The influence on the lives of many people has been tremendous. Mistakes have been made, some of them rather grievous, but they can be, and are being corrected. Can we not hope that despite the glorious days of the past that the days ahead are the best days for WESTERN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE?

We shall now continue with a history of the Gospel Herald. I had been an Associate Editor, then Editor, then Business Manager. Then I became the owner of the paper and had it printed in Meaford by my good friend, Mr. Secord.

When I knew that I was moving West I wrote the editor of the local paper in Radville and asked him if he would publish it, or rather print it for me. He said that owing to wartime restrictions he did not care to undertake it. I then went to the Wartime Prices and Trade Board and asked them if they would permit me to buy machinery for printing, and if they would permit me to buy paper to print a religious paper. They said I could buy the machinery if I could find it. They would furnish the paper.

I then went to the wholesalers in Toronto and was able to buy second hand machinery. I had it shipped to Radville. We put up a small building there for a print shop. Several brethren did a certain amount of gratis work on this. We printed a number of tracts and other religious literature through the years. We paid out hundreds of dollars to students at Radville Christian College. I am sorry to say that often it was hard to get students to work. Unless they were broke, some of them were not interested in the work. There was one student that was always on the job and that was our son, John. I had never set a line of type in my life. So we learned the printing trade the hard way. John loved the work and soon was, in many ways, more proficient than his father. He went on to Abilene Christian College and he got work in a print shop in the city. He earned his way through school and has a good trade to which he could turn if need arises.

As John became more and more proficient with the mechanical work, I left it more and more to him and I gave more and more time to preaching the word in new places.

Then one day when John was in Grade XII he said to me, “Dad, I would like to go on to College.”

I replied, “Well then you shall go to College.”

He said, “But what will we do about the Gospel Herald?”

I said, “We shall turn the Gospel Herald into other hands, you go on to school.”

It was arranged that Brother Eugene Perry and Brother Roy Merritt should become the Editors and Publishers, and I would continue as an Associate Editor. Thus one day in early September, 1953, we finished our last job in the print shop. John was on his way to Abilene the next day and I have never set another line of type from that day to this.

This was not the end of my work in the field of journalism, however. Since that time I have besides a monthly article in the Gospel Herald, often written for other publications and I have authored several booklets. I put out one on the question of ETERNAL SECURITY. It went through two printings and is out of stock. The title we used was “Can a Christian so Sin as to Be Lost?” This book sold for 25c. Then I brought out a reprint of a book telling the horrible story of what happened to a boy when his father gave him one drink of liquor. This boy was the great uncle of some of the members of the church in Carman, Manitoba. This book continues to sell and is still available. It sells for 25c per copy. Later I put into booklet form a tract on the ... NATURE OF CHRIST.” This is mainly in answer to Jehovah Witness doctrine. These booklets are all gone but about 40 copies at time of writing. These, too, sell for 25c each. In all probability they will be gone before this reaches the reading public. A reprint has not been decided on at this time. These three booklets were all brought out while I was at Carman. They should really have been mentioned in the next period but I decided that we would end our “literary work” in this chapter.

Despite the fact that I have done as much writing as I have. I definitely have a complex about writing, and it is an inferior one too. When I was in school the teacher would have articles published written by various students. None of my articles was ever published. I felt that my articles, at least some of them, were superior to some that were sent in for publication. To this day I have not rid myself entirely of that complex that was born. Ironically I have probably written for publication more than the rest of that class combined. Writing could have been a much easier task if that teacher had acted differently. All things were together for good. Perhaps God needed to keep me humble. If that was the overall purpose of God then that teacher did an excellent job as far as my ability to write is concerned.

Up to this time in our lives we had been blessed as few people are blessed. We had had only one death in our immediate family. My wife had lost a brother with cancer in 1936. In 1945 the war had ended when word came that a brother-in-law had been killed in an accident in Western Montana. We went to the funeral. On the way home I began to have tire trouble. I could buy tires at home but I could not buy them in another country and on the road. We tried desperately to fix them up to make the return trip. One tire completely played out. Soon a second tire developed a bump. We stopped and tried to reinforce but in a few miles it was bumping again. We were nine miles out of Miles City with a flat tire that could not be fixed and a spare that could not be fixed. I telephoned Fairview, and told the brethren of my predicament. In a few hours they arrived with two tires that were good enough to finish the journey. The sun was well up when we arrived in Fairview. The brethren, bless their hearts, had arranged an all day meeting with dinner on the ground. I was asked to preach three times, and did. I had no sleep on Saturday night. It goes without saying that I was tired when that third sermon was over. It was Brother J. 0. Golphenee and Joe Lewis that came to our rescue that night. Both have since gone to their reward. God will remember their kindness. In 1947 there came word from Western Montana again that my father-in-law was grievously ill, The annual meeting of the shareholders of Radville Christian College was coming up. I was the Treasurer. I hated to leave. Late on Saturday afternoon my father-in-law was steadily growing worse, so we left. With our son Roy to help drive we drove through the night and arrived in Missoula in time for the morning service. Brother Buckallew had already passed into the eternal world. During the night he called a number of times for Myrtle (my wife). He would be assured that she was on her way. Time ran its course as she with sleepless eyes watched the road through that night. The meeting never came on this earth. May God grant that the circle may be unbroken when the “roll is called up yonder.”

In November, 1951, I had finished my teaching task at the school for the day and I had gone to the print shop. I was just in the act of lighting the fire when one of the business men of the town came to see me and said that he had received a 'phone call saying that Roy's baby had died. On August 14th he had made his way into this world and on November 20th we laid all that was mortal in the cemetery in Radville to await the judgment morning. It was the first and only break in our own family.

On October 25th, 1952, again we received a telephone call from Western Montana. My wife's mother had died in the arms of her son, Ludy, who was with her. They were talking and she asked for something out of the “Fridge.” and before he could turn back again the angel of death had come and was bearing away the soul of Ellen Mary Buckallew. The children all came home to pay their last respects to a mother who had loved them all - who for many years had yearned over their spiritual welfare.

It was during this time of which we write that our other three children rendered obedience to the gospel.

It was during this time that our children began to take unto themselves mates for life. It was of tremendous interest to us. We were glad when each of them took unto themselves a Christian companion. Time forbids that we tell of these events. Fourteen grandchildren have come to bless their homes. We look forward to the day when they shall begin to obey the gospel.

During this time we engaged in a number of debates. I think that you will be interested in these. In Estevan we met a Mr. Brost in a discussion in which he affirmed “All Spiritual Gifts of the New Testament are for us Today.” The debate came about in this way. Mr Brost publically challenged the Jehovah Witnesses to a debate. They refused. The Lock boys, who lived then in Estevan, said that if he wanted a debate that I would meet him. He said he would be glad to meet me. I was contacted and, gladly consented. Mr. Brost told the Lock boys when he saw my picture that he had seen me in a vision he had. He said that he saw this scholarly looking man, with a heavy head of black hair, and I was the man. The Lock boys told me about this. When the day of the debate came there came, a goodly audience to hear and there were about as many Church of God folks, as members of the church. Mr. Brost opened the debate by saying that he could prove this matter by experience but that instead he was going to prove it by the Bible. He proceeded then to quote some 63 Scriptures. He said if that would not prove it then nothing would. When I got up said I had not counted the number of Scriptures that he used but I would take his word for it, I said further that he had not used one Scripture that had anything to do with the proposition. I then re-read the proposition and asked Mr. Brost when he got up again to tell the audience which one of the verses he had used said anything about the proposition. I have never seen such a bewildered man.

When he arose the second time he thought he had better prove it by experience and he told the vision he had had. So when I got up the second time I said, “Yes, Mr. Brost I heard about that vision. I liked it, I liked that part about that scholarly looking man.” I said, “There was one thing wrong, though, that man in the vision had a heavy head of black hair.” I bowed then to the audience and showed them the large bald place on my, head. Experience proved of no more use to Mr. Brost than the Bible had.

Debates do no good? A young man attended that debate. He had never attended a service of the church of Christ in his life. He has not missed since. He is now a deacon in the Moose Jaw congregation. His wife is a faithful member and this summer their oldest daughter rendered obedience to the gospel. You would have a hard time convincing Don Gates that debates do no good.

The next spring a young lady left the Radville Pentecostal church and married Brother Paul Tromburg. Her mother accused her of leaving the church just to get Paul but she told her mother that she had known that the Pentecostals were wrong ever since she had heard Brother Bailey debate in Estevan.

It was during this time that I met Mr. Scherling for the third time on the “Conscience” question. As the “Scherling-Bailey Debate” is still in print I shall attempt no review of the arguments made. It is a question that is not as widely studied as it should be and I can recommend that you read it and study the issue.

I also met a Mr. Reesor twice in this period. Once at Wawota, and once at Saskatoon. We discussed the question of “Divine Healing.” Mr. Reesor is a fine gentleman. He has a shrewd mind. He knew a point and knew how to make an answer. I enjoyed these debates more than any other in which I have engaged. After I had engaged in these debates I read a debate on the same question in which Brother Gus Nichol was the speaker for the Church of Christ. Brother Nichol did not make an argument that I had not used. I feel that truth was honored and good done.

A Brother Wright had caused considerable dissension in Longview, Washington, and had carried the bigger part of the church along with him in advocating the “no law to the sinner” doctrine. I was holding a meeting in Longview and I was asked if I would meet Brother Wright in a public dis cussion. I called the men of the church together and told them that if they were satisfied to call Brother Wright and if they, as a church, would ask me to meet him, I would do it. They said they wanted the debate. It was agreed that we would meet that fall in Longview. Brother Claude Guild was my moderator. Pretty well all of the preachers in the nearby towns attended and they all sided with me. May I say that Brother Wright was the hardest man with whom to debate that I ever met. (Not that his arguments were profound - it was his manner of distorting the arguments I made.) I challenged Brother Wright to take this same proposition back and debate it where he lived in Arkansas but he refused to do this.

This doctrine is one of the worst absurdities that was ever foisted on the church, or anybody else. If a man is not under law he is not a sinner for sin is the transgression of law. No man could be called upon to repent if he were not under law to Christ but Christ has commanded all men everywhere to repent. We could multiply this line of reasoning. The purpose of this, however, is historical and not doctrinal.

During this period of time I made a number of trips to British Columbia. I held at least two meetings for the church in Vancouver, I held one for the church on Lulu Island, I preached in two meetings at Creston, once or twice at Nanaimo, I held a meeting at Coombs, I held one at Shawigan Lake, and one up the Cariboo where Brother Severson was teaching school. The name of the place I do not now recall. There were several baptized in those meetings but there are three things that I would like to record. While I was in Vancouver in a meeting there was a man wrote in from the Island (Vancouver) that he was interested and signified a desire to some day be baptized. The brethren asked me to go over and talk to him. It was arranged that we meet in Brother Alan Morton's home. He told me how he had left the Methodist church at the time of the first World War because he did not think it right for a Christian to bear arms. (I have met quite a few people in my time that from reading their New Testament have come to that conclusion. I have never met any one that had decided we could bear arms unless they had been so taught.) He had studied his Bible through the intervening years and when he heard the broadcast the brethren were putting on from Vancouver it sounded like what he had read. The old man was quite hard of hearing but I can talk quite loud so we got along well together. In our conversation he told me that he hoped some day to be baptized. I told him that I had come to the Island for that very purpose. His face lit up. He said, “You mean that I could be baptized this very afternoon?”

I told him surely he could. We waded far out into an inlet of the Pacific Ocean as the tide was out. I baptized him beneath the warm water of the Pacific. When he came to the shore two young married sisters placed a kiss on the cheek of the old man. He beamed and said, “I have a lot of brothers and sisters now.”

Another thing that I will always remember happened in the country district where Brother Severson was teaching school. We went one afternoon to call on a certain person. After talking a few minutes I saw that she had been sufficiently taught. She needed to be persuaded to obey. I talked with her but a few minutes more when she turned to me and said, “But you would not baptize me right now?”

I asked her what she meant. She said, “I mean that you would not go right down to the lake and baptize me this minute.”

1 said, “I have on the best clothes I own but if you say so, we shall go to the lake now.” (There was a beautiful lake within ten rods of the back door of the house.)

I took off my coat, she pulled off her apron. We both took off our shoes and we waded out in that lake. In the presence of her husband and Brother Severson, who heard her confess her faith in Jesus Christ, I lowered her into that beautiful cleat mountain water and raised her up to walk in newness of life

It was in a meeting at Creston that I baptized the only blind person that I baptized.

In Radville I baptized a man with an artificial limb. He asked me before he was baptized if he should take off his artificial limb. I told him no. I still do not know the answer to that one. Do you?

On of the trips I made to Abilene, I tried to get some one to come to Saskatoon, the University City of Saskatchewan. After Brother Joe Watson had talked to me, he interested Alvin Jennings in coming. The next summer we held a one month's tent meeting there. Brother Watson was there for the first two weeks and I for the last two weeks. There were four who rendered obedience to the gospel. We knew that there was considerable interest and one night when I was taking a car load home a young lady said that I did not need to take her home first. I said, “But that is the way I am going.

She said, “I do not want to go home first.”

It dawned on me that she wanted to talk. I never saw any one that seemed so anxious to obey and yet it seemed that she could not give way. Finally I said, ”Tryphosa, why don't you say I will be baptized tomorrow night.”

She said, “Tomorrow night is too late.”

It was after eleven but I found some of the brethren still up so we got a group together and went to the “Y” pool and she was baptized that night. She is now a faithful member living in Texas. Brother Jennings helped put a nice building in Saskatoon. He moved on to Montreal, Canada, and then to Burlington, Vermont. Saskatoon now has a membership I would judge to be somewhere in the sixties.

It was during this period that Brother Jim Hawkins and his wife moved to Prince Albert and I helped with the first tent meeting there. It was the last night of the meeting and we made the contact with the first person baptized there. Brother Hawkins and his wife lived at first on her wages but finally he got support. There is a building there now and a small but zealous church. Brother Walter Straker is the preacher there now. Brother Hawkins is now labouring at Victoria, B. C. While Brother Jennings was at Saskatoon he made contacts with some of the Indians on the Red Pheasant Reserve. I made several trips out there and preached a number of times. One of the noblest men I ever met is Brother Peter Wuttunee of the Red Pheasant Reserve. One day he asked me a question. When I answered the question, he said, “That answer may be good enough for a white man but it is not good enough for an Indian.”

I replied, “With God there are no white men and Indians. That is the answer from God's Word.” I think that was the turning point in the work there. Soon Lennox Wuttunee was baptized and his wife. He is a son of Peter Wuttunee. Others have obeyed the gospel since that time. Among them Peter Wuttunee, his wife, and daughter. I do not know how many more. A good work is being carried on there by Brother Jim Williams from North Battleford.

I forgot to mention that I held a meeting at Prince George, B. C. Brother Paul Mann became obedient to the gospel in that meeting. Brother Orr was carrying on a broadcast over the radio from CHAB from Moose Jaw at that time. A man from Medicine Hat, Alberta, had written in. He had been contacted a number of times and I was asked to visit him on my way through to British Columbia. I found the man and talked with him. There was one thing that stood in his way to obey the gospel. He had heard that some members of the church used tobacco and he could not conceive how a Christian could use tobacco. (Why will people hang onto a dirty habit that endangers their souls by closing the kingdom of God to others?) I used all the persuasive power that I had and told him I was just as much opposed to tobacco as he was. I said, “When I come back I expect to baptize you.”

When we came back we went to his house and after a few minutes he called out to his wife and said, “I am going to go with these people if they will have me.”

In a few minutes he was baptized in the South Saskatchewan River. Thus began the church at Medicine Hat. Much work has been done there since and there is a thriving little congregation. Brother Joe Corley preaches there now.

During this period I also held a meeting for the church at Calgary, Alberta. Brother Harry Bostock came from the Christian Church. Calgary has developed much since those days and are in a new building a recent months.

During this period I held a meeting and a VBS (Vacation Bible School) at Perryville, Saskatchewan. There were quite a few young people present who had not obeyed the gospel. Some of them were well on in their teens and I felt that if they did not obey the gospel then they might never obey the gospel. I never preached harder and night after night no one moved. Finally one night an eleven year old boy came forward and made the confession. At the water's edge I urged those who should accept Christ to come as you are. If your clothes are too good they should be spoiled for Christ's sake. They started coming and I baptized them after taking their confession. When the meeting ended that night 14 young people had rendered obedience to the gospel. The most of them are faithful to this day. Quite a few are married and have Christian homes.

As I suggested before, I am not trying to follow any time pattern in this chapter. The next year after I came back from Meaford I was holding a meeting in a country school house near Willmar, Saskatchewan. There were some people that I was sure understood their duty. I talked in their homes and was convinced that they knew their duty but no one moved. I did something there that I have never done since and I had never done before. I went down to a Mrs. Lario, whom I was sure was almost persuaded, and I said, “We are going to have a baptismal service on Thursday.”

She said, “That is wonderful. I want to be baptized.”

I then went over to Lawrence Hannon's place. Mrs. Hannon was a daughter of Mrs. Lario. I said, .'Did you know your mother was going to be baptized on Thursday?” She said, “No,” but they expressed a desire to be baptized.

Before the meeting closed five had rendered obedience to the gospel. Sister Lario has passed on to her reward. Children of those baptized are rendering obedience to the Lord. Stanley Bernard, a son of one of those who obeyed then was a student at Abilene Christian College last year.

The Clemetsons, who had rendered obedience at Comertown, Montana, years before had moved to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I have been there for at least two meetings. A number obeyed the gospel in those meetings. In one meeting there were seven that had obeyed the gospel. I do not remember about the other meetings. Of those seven people, two were people that were our companions in travel. Arthur Foulkes and his wife had had a very sad experience.

One Sunday afternoon the son of Arthur Foulkes and his wife went out rabbit hunting with a group of boys. The Foulkes boy was accidentally shot. He died a few hours later on the operating table. He was an only child. Up to this time these people had lived as so many people live. They were nominal church members. They played for dances; both of them were good musicians. Arthur had some knowledge of the truth because his mother had obeyed the gospel years before but had lived where she could not attend the meetings. Brother Fonstad, of the Knoxville congregation, had the Gospel Herald sent to these people. Occasionally Arthur used to peruse it but he was TOO BUSY to read it very much. Brother Fonstad had a meeting held in Tribune, Saskatchewan, where these people lived at the time, but he was too busy to attend.

After their son had met a violent death, Arthur told his wife that his drinking days were over. He said, “I think there is a better way than we have I think if we would read this Gospel Herald and our Bible we would find something better.”

Brother Carl Johnson called my attention to these people. Brother Orr visited them. They drove from Weyburn, where they lived when the accident occurred, to Radville one Sunday morning for service. We started services in Weyburn and they faithfully attended each week. Mrs. Foulkes had three things for which she would contend, there was no harm in instrumental music, there was no harm in dancing, and that the Presbyterian church might be all right. We felt though that we were making definite progress with these people when they suddenly announced that they were going to have to give up their business. Everything around the place reminded them of their boy and they wanted to get place away from it for a time. They planned a trip to Ontario. We definitely did not want to lose them. I proposed to them that my wife and I were making a trip to Idaho, and as they had never seen the mountains they should make the trip with us. After some persuasion they consented. We had time to talk on the trip and then they went through the protracted meeting. Sister Foulkes is one of the most thoroughly converted people that I know. When once convinced that sectarianism was wrong she became adamant in her opposition. Brother Arthur is just as much opposed but he was partly converted all through life from boyhood.

One thing that I would like to mention in connection with these good people, the first time they visited Radville, Arthur said to me, “You know my wife never has been baptized. She thinks sprinkling is all right.”

I said, “Have you been baptized?” He said, “No, I haven't.”

How often we are like that. We can see that some one else is not doing the right thing but we fail to realize that we have not done it ourselves.

In the early months of 1953 I heard some reports that would indicate that Newfoundland was ripe unto harvest. I felt that it should be investigated. Friends provided the funds and I made a trip down there. It was an enlightening experience. It was like turning the clock back 75 years. When in St. Anthony I asked them when the boat would come in. They replied, “On Thursday or Friday.”

In the rest of Canada and the United States we are used to schedules that call for minute timing but in the outposts time is not such an essential element. I only ran into this condition in a pronounced degree one other place. When I held meetings on the Red Pheasant Reserve we would announce meetings for two in the afternoon and we would be fortunate if we got started by four.

Turning back to Newfoundland, St. Anthony is a town of about 1,800 population, but when I was there there were only about ten per cent of the people that had electric lights to say nothing of other appliances.

In Northern Newfoundland much travel had been done with dogs in the winter time. With the coming of roads, the use of dogs was becoming a thing of the past but people were loathe, as elsewhere, to get rid of their dogs. To make matters worse these people were being induced to raise sheep. Dogs and sheep do not go well togther. There was a law that any dog running loose in the summer months was shot on sight. The owner was required to bury it. Residents told me that any dog that was shot DID NOT HAVE AN OWNER. So if you shot a dog to protect your sheep you had to bury it too. The sheep had to be kept closed in in the winter time. Then dogs ran loose.

To show something of the primitive conditions that prevailed I was told that 90. of all children were born with midwives in attendance and not doctors. 95. were born outside of hospitals. I could write several chapters about what I learned of Newfoundland but may this suffice. I would like to add that while I am sure that people there, as elsewhere, could be taught the gospel; I did not find the hungering and thirsting after righteousness that had been described. I found a very religious people, in some ways an immoral people, but a people that were determined to stay in the religion of their fathers.

I flew over the province of Nova Scotia going out and coming back. I knew something of the church there in the past. I knew that for forty years any work there had languished. I had in my heart a real longing to try to restore the church there. Little did I dream how close that day was at hand but that belongs to our next chapter.

In the fall of 1954 I thought my meeting work was over for the year. I was preparing for my work in the College, and things were running smoothly. I planned to travel for several months in the United States in the interest of the school. The telephone rang, it was an invitation to hold a meeting in Kalispel, Montana. Near the same time I received a letter from Walter McCutcheon asking me to hold a meeting at Elm Creek, Manitoba. I do not remember whether they 'phoned me, or sent me a letter, but there was an invitation came to hold a meeting at Moose Jaw. The invitations were all for the same time. The last two weeks in October. I decided, and I believe providentially, to go to Elm Creek. Brother Walter McCutcheon had done a good job of advertising and this was soon one of the best attended mission meeting I have ever held. There are about 150 people live in Elm Creek but our crowds ran as high as 175 people. When two weeks ended one had been baptized. I returned to Rad ville. I spent two weeks in the College and then back to Elm Creek for two more weeks. In this time there were four more rendered obedience to the gospel. These five have led at least five more to obey the gospel.

Sometimes people talk about the good old days and how people used to attend meetings. I made the statement several times that this was the first time the gospel had ever been preached at Elm Creek. One brother corrected me and said that the gospel had been preached there forty years before. He said that only one person that was not a member of the church attended that meeting. We had several hundred people attend that were not members.

Carman, at this time, was without a preacher. I felt that I wanted to try “located work” for a time. I told Brother Russell Laycock that I would come provided the invitation was unanimous. For reasons that need not be explained, I did not think it would be but it was. I left Carman with the promise to move there the first of April.

The winter was spent in traveling for the school and teaching in the school. So we come to the longest single period of history. We had lived in one house, and it was our own, for nearly eleven years. Our children were in College, married, or on their own. We were back to where we started when we moved to Carman. What happened at Carman belongs to another Chapter.

(Earlier in this chapter we mention a booklet I authored on the NATURE OF CHRIST. This booklet is entitled WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST? WHOSE SON IS HE? We have found several hundred copies of this book in the print shop at the College so it is still available at 25c.)

Published in The Old Paths Archive

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