On a hot Sunday morning in July, 1959, we arrived in Moose Jaw to begin our work here. We looked forward a great deal to this work. There were five elders and four deacons in the congregation and we felt that much could be done. We started out with a summer Bible school. It was well attended. We went on to Kindersley for a VBS. Then we went to Dauphin, Manitoba, for a meeting and school. I was still suffering considerable pain from my trouble that had caused the operation but we were carrying a full load of work.
It had been agreed before I moved to Moose Jaw that I would go to Windsor, Ontario, for a meeting. Windsor had not been in too close fellowship with other Canadian churches. We had a grand meeting. There were eight that became obedient to the faith and arrangements were started for Windsor to have a full time worker. Before going to Windsor I was with the Estevan, Saskatchewan, church for a meeting. Shortly after I came home from Windsor I went to Calgary, Alberta, for a meeting. The years had worked many changes for good at Calgary. The winter was spent at home.
In the summer of 1960, I went again to Dauphin, Manitoba, and Kindersley, Saskatchewan, for Bible Schools and for meetings. We had Brother Richard Dacus here for a meeting in the fall of '60. During the spring of 1960 I held a meeting at East Side in the Soo and for the old home congregation at Thessalon, Ontario.
In the summer of 1960 I had a new experience. I was one of the speakers at the Yellowstone Encampment. There was a young lady baptized. I am now writing this final part of this book at the Bible Encampment of 1961. This young lady is back again. She is from Great Falls, Montana. She told me that since that time last year, her mother and one brother have obeyed the gospel. I have never preached in Great Falls, yet, I am exercising a little influence in the work there.
In December, 1960, I was able to go to Medicine Hat, Alberta, for a meeting. It was my happy privilege to make my home with Brother and Sister Nerland. Brother Nerland was the man I baptized that that I mentioned earlier in this book. Both he and his wife are zealous members of the church. There were two that rendered obedience to the gospel. One of them was the son of Brother and Sister Nerland. The other one was a son of Brother Harry Meakes that had attended the Bible School at Radville. His wife I baptized when our oldest son was baptized in a meeting at Perryville in 1935.
In January of this year, 1961, I held a meeting at Anaconda, Montana, where the work is young but under the able leadership of Brothers Clinton Brazle and Joe McBee. This was an exchange meeting. I also held a meeting in Swift Current this spring and for three nights I held forth at Herbert, Saskatchewan.
I went east for meetings in April. I preached for East Side Church in Detroit. They said it was the best attended meeting they ever held. I then crossed the river to Windsor, Ontario. Our youngest son, John, and his wife, lived there and worked with the church. We had a good meeting and it was good to meet those young people who had obeyed the gospel in the meeting when I was there 18 months before, as well as others. I flew by jet to New York, and then by conventional plane to Manchester, New Hampshire. I had 30 hours with my oldest son and his family. I spoke for the church that night. I found George True Baker, preacher at Manchester, whom I had never met before, a man after my own heart. Our second boy arranged his work so as to be there too. They, Norman and Stanley, took me the next evening over to Springfield, Vermont. I met old friends there. They were in the midst of a meeting but I was asked to speak for a short time. There I was met by Brother Alvin Jennings. He took me on to Burlington, Vermont, for a meeting. The meeting was held in their new building but it was not finished. They have since had their official opening. The last night of the meeting our son Stanley arrived and drove me to Montreal and I flew home that night. My wife and three daughters met the plane in Regina. It was good to be home.
All winter we had held Bible Studies on Tuesday night in a home at La Fleche. Plans went forward for a meeting after my return from the East. We started on the 4th of June. The meeting lasted for two weeks. We were made to rejoice exceedingly. There were nine that rendered obedience to the gospel, and two were restored. This was the first time the gospel had ever been preached in this community. There have been two baptized since.
In the fall of 1960 we held a meeting at Stony Beach. There were two people from the community attended the meeting once. Some people would have stopped right there and said there is no use of trying to hold meetings in new places. La Fleche has proved how wrong that is. Brother Morris Bailey goes to La Fleche on Sunday and I still go on Tuesday evening. Babes in Christ need to be nourished that they may grow strong.
Our meeting at La Fleche was barely over when plans for our summer Bible School were begun. Brother Brazle was with us this year. Our teaching staff was new, to a large extent, but each teacher did a fine job. Seven young people confessed their faith in Christ and were baptized. We were rejoicing and so were the angels. From the first of June to the middle of July, 17 had rendered obedience to the gospel.
Tomorrow we close our part in the Yellowstone Bible Encampment of 1961. There is a better attendance than last year. We have become acquainted with a number of our preaching brethren, as well as other brethren we have never met before. To meet them is to love them.
And so we come to the end of FORTY YEARS A CANADIAN PREACHER. God has used us above all we asked or thought. We have failed many times. We realize that we could have done more if we had trusted the Lord more but may we exclaim God has always led us into triumph in Christ Jesus our Lord. Many times we have failed the Lord but He has never failed us. As we look back over life we know that He has supplied our every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift.
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