Alma Schiller was born August 2, 1925, at Green Bay, Manitoba. Her parents were Edward and Christina Schiller. She attended school at Green Bay and also in the Children's Hospital in Winnipeg. Later, she studied a commercial course at Western Christian College when she was employed there as part-time public relations secretary (1959-60).
While living in Winnipeg, Alma Schiller was secretary of the "Awareness of the Handicapped Organization" which is an arm of the Big Sister movement. She was also house mother (1956-59) of a suite in Winnipeg where handicapped people were taught how to cope and be independent in the outside world.
After 18 years of devoted service at Western, Alma retired in 1977. During those years, she was employed as president's secretary (1960-61), principal's secretary (1961-68), business office secretary (1969-70), and assistant postmistress and bookstore manager (1970-77). In addition to these offices, she has given service in the mailing department of the college.
Although confined to a wheel chair since the age of 12, Alma Schiller has served her Lord faithfully in a variety of ways. She has taught Bible classes, invited people to her home for Bible studies, and encouraged her friends and neighbours to gather in her home for singing or sewing.
She has loyally supported Western Christian College in numerous ways. She has served as secretary of its Women's Service Club. For many years she has contributed knitted goods (possibly 200 pairs of mitts) to the annual fall fair of W.C.C. Women's Service Club. While living on campus, she frequently did after-hours typing to fulfil various needs, and she sometimes conducted research regarding alumni upon request.
Furthermore, Alma has made her contributions to the Weyburn community. At Legion Towers where she now lives, she has served as a vital part of the various committees. She has contributed to the improvement of facilities for the handicapped in the city of Weyburn by lobbying city hall on their behalf.
The students of the college honoured Alma Schiller in 1966 by dedicating the yearbook to her and the alumni of the college chose her as Alumna of the Year 1986. Her fortitude and cheerful acceptance of physical handicap and illness are inspiring examples to all.