1966 - 1967
Enrollment: Bible - 2; High School - 94
During the Lectureship in October, 1965, a "Paint the Buildings" campaign was initiated. For this purpose almost two thousand dollars were donated on gift night with the understanding that the paint project be undertaken the following spring and summer. In early spring, Brother Bozeman of Lubbock, Texas, advertised in the Christian Chronicle for vacationers to Canada to spend part of their holidays painting at the Western Christian College campus. In response to this advertisement, vacationers from North Dakota, Michigan, Mississippi, and Texas assisted in painting the rooms of the Wilfred Orr Residence (Boys' Dormitory).
The Wilfred Orr Residence was completely decorated during the summer, but not entirely by volunteer labour.
No attempt was made to paint the exterior of the buildings. After two coats of fairly good paint on the south wall of the gymnasium, it had faded and worn away within the year. The Administration considered it impractical to paint any more dry shingles, so we continue to look at their dull, weather-beaten ugliness!
Once, a visitor touring the campus remarked to President Wieb, "Doesn't it discourage you to realize how much work needs to be done on the campus?" Danny Wieb replied in the negative, as we all do to such a question, because we look into the past and compare with the present. In the Messenger, he wrote:
"In 1957 dormitories were merely long, dusty, empty halls. Every building was out of service. Wiring was unsafe; plumbing was in disrepair. There was no grass where lawns should be; only two staff apartments. There was no equipment for dining hall, classrooms or offices. Just big, empty dusty buildings."
No, we do not get discouraged when we view our present facilities. We are truly grateful for the miraculous transformation from those days. We appreciate very much each new improvement such as the decorating of the Wilfred Orr Residence or the few yards of our first cement sidewalks completed in October. This fall, for the first time in our College history, a student received the Governor- General's bronze medal. During the Lectureship, Principal Roger Peterson presented this coveted scholastic award to Melinda Brazle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brazle of North Weyburn, for receiving the highest standing in one district on her grade XII provincial department of education examinations.
Annually, the Governor-General of Canada awards a medal to each of the large city collegiates and to each of sixteen districts into which the remainder of the province is divided. In our district there are from thirty to forty high schools.
Throughout the years, we have always had a good "passing" percentage. Several times, with a small enrollment, 100% of our students received passing grades in their final examinations. Even with a larger enrollment, our failures have usually been much below the provincial average (15%). In fact, the failure rate was less than 2% in 1959 and also once again in June 1966.
Although we have been frequently gratified with our low failure rate, we have sometimes been disappointed with the number of high honour students graduating from the College. Among those who have received high honours in previous years are Alice Orr '53, Thomas Ulrich '62 and Orland Wilkerson '65, and now Melinda Brazle '66 who won the highest academic honour!
In my diary thus far, there have been repeated references to improvements in the physical plant and to our various extra- curricular activities, but only casual mention of the academic life of the College.
This lack of reference results from the common knowledge that our academic life is very similar to that of all our provincial high schools. We conduct regular classes in rather formal style (the college is not what is termed a modern free school). Students study, do their homework most of the time, attend supervised study hall, write unit tests and the dreaded final examinations unless they receive exemptions in grades IX, X, and XI.
The meager reference to academic life is in no way related to the significance of this aspect of a Christian school. On the contrary, I believe most definitely in the value of a good education, not in just obtaining a certificate.
Students learn to think and no one can think in a vacuum; he must know a few facts. Students learn to express themselves in both the written and spoken word. To have good ideas is invaluable but one must know how to express these ideas or he will not be able to accomplish good.
Learning according to ability and development of character are closely interrelated. Show me a successful student and you will also show me a diligent, disciplined person with good work habits.
Furthermore, much of man's progress has evolved from a quest for knowledge and a love of truth.
"A wise man is strong, yea a man of knowledge increaseth strength." Fortunate is the teacher who can motivate his students in the quest for knowledge and truth.
Critics contend inaccurately that the academic field is neglected in a Christian school. In a Christian school, a student will learn charity along with knowledge; he will learn to know God along with knowing Wordsworth, Napoleon and Einstein. A Christian school will give purpose to a young person's life and in consequence will increase interest in academic achievement.
As I scan correspondence from the president's office and issues of the Messenger and Alumni Reporter, I note the constant recurrence of one problem that has confronted the College - insufficient money to meet operational costs. If the College ever expects to climb out of this quagmire of operational debt, an Endowment Fund must be established.
Realizing the absolute necessity of such a fund, we were pleasantly surprised by the announcement during Homecoming week-end that the college had received an endowment gift of 885 acres of farmland in Oklahoma from Mrs. Gertrude Weeks, college librarian. Mrs Weeks has stated in her will that at her death the college will obtain clear title to the land. This is the largest single bequest ever made to the college. If more of our kind friends continue to make such generous arrangements, there may come a time when the payment of the butcher, the baker and the S.P.C. may not be such uphill work.
March 10-12 witnessed the formal opening of a large new brick building for the Weyburn Church of Christ. (The new Church building is located on highway thirteen on the outskirts of the eastern part of Weyburn City). The guest speaker for the occasion was Maurice Hall, former missionary to France and Viet Nam. Into many young hearts, his inspirational messages lighted flaming resolutions to dedicate their lives to the service of mankind.
This occasion affected Western Christian College because hitherto the church had worshipped in Rogers' Chapel. Henceforth, the students will be transported four miles by bus to church services.
Then too it is good for the young people to go off the campus for worship. It makes each worship service more of a special event, and worship should be special.
This was Canada's centennial year. Western students were desirous of marking this year by some distinctive celebration. Spearheaded by Bill Boyle, grade XII student, the students organized an amazingly successful Canadiana Night on May 5 as our main centennial project. "It was their way of saying that they are proud to be Canadians."
Our Canadian Night began with a banquet at which the city officials and Weyburn collegiate student council were special guests. The student waitresses in long gowns of yesteryear added the final touch to the Centennial theme of the decorated banquet room.
Following the banquet, all guests enjoyed a fine program in the gymnasium. The main feature of this program was a three act play by Weyburn's own W. O. Mitchell. "The Black Bonspiel of Willie McCrimmon" has been presented on radio and television several times.
In addition to this play, the audience enjoyed a speech by Bryant Oratorical contestant, Marilyn Brazle, on the subject "What should Centennial mean to you?"
A brief saga of John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minister, was given by Brad Wilkerson, a senior student from Victoria, B. C.
Completing the program were patriotic selections by the Western Christian College chorus and the Skylarks.
Bill Boyle was the master of ceremonies for Canadiana Night as well as director of the play.
Remember 1966-1967? Remember the huge five tier snow birthday cake with the Canadian flag on the top tier?
Remember the almost weekly singing at Pioneer Place and the visitation at the Union Hospital?
Remember the bed that accidentally fell apart at an opportune moment in the comedy farce "Goodnight Please!"?
Remember that Mark Brazle won the prize for skating with the most girls at the Opening Night Party - 63 of them?
Remember that Western played host to the Provincial A boys' basketball tournament?
Remember that the Skylarks won a twenty-five dollar scholarship at the Music Festival?
1967 - 1968
Enrollment: High School - 116
On August 5, more than one hundred members of the Western Christian College Corporation met at a special meeting to discuss the extension of the Bible courses offered at the college. For sixteen years, after 1945, a winter Bible school of three to five months duration had been part of the College program. Because of lack of interest these courses were discontinued in 1960. (Only two students attended the Bible courses conducted by the Weyburn Church of Christ in the College buildings in 1966-67).
As many brethren, especially former Bible school students, considered the winter Bible schools invaluable in strengthening their own faith or for training young people for leadership in the church, they wanted either the old Bible schools revived or a different type of Bible course initiated. At this August special meeting, after much discussion, it was decided that the Board should consider the possibility of introducing a two year, nine- month advanced Bible program.
On October 2 at the regular annual meeting, a report on the proposed advanced Bible program was presented. This report was adopted almost unanimously by the Corporation members. It provided for the inauguration of a "two year Advanced Bible program in conjunction with a one-year advanced offering in Liberal Arts" in September 1968.
The students for the Bible program would not necessarily be high school graduates. They might be mature young people who wish to become more effective servants in the Kingdom of God. Those who would enroll in the liberal arts program would be high school graduates and with this additional year of study at Western they would graduate with an Associate in Arts degree.
This decision to add the two year Advanced Bible program and one year Liberal Arts can be compared in significance with the momentous decision in 1945 to organize Radville Christian College and the decision in 1957 to move our campus to the Weyburn airport. A feeling of excitement and accomplishment pervaded the air during the October 2, 1967, meeting very similar to the one on July 2, 1945. An optimistic hope bubbled in our hearts as we considered that the foundation for greater advancement of the cause of Christ had been laid.
In August, Ed and Marg Ashby agreed to become dormitory parents for the boys. As Ed Ashby had been a member of the Board for twelve years, he was well aware of problems connected with a boarding school. Nevertheless, he and his wife were willing to leave a position of security resulting from his twenty years of service with an international machine company to embark on a completely different career, simply because they believed Christian education vital in this modern age.
Marg Ashby enjoys the distinction of being the first house mother of the boys. This forthright lady with the tough exterior and the loving heart has won their loyalty and good will. At one time, she was affectionately willed Barry Nelson's flying license "because she is up in the air most of the time anyway."
The previous spring Calvin and Irene Young also gave up a life of comparative ease and security to manage the Morgan Cafeteria. I believe that these four people, as well as others, employed by Western are as much missionaries of Christ as those who go to foreign fields. They have the opportunity to touch the lives of hundreds of young people, not only in this generation but in future generations.
In September tragedy entered our lives when Penny Close '62, Mrs. John S. Close, and daughter, were instantly killed by a car as they crossed a street in Abilene, Texas. Young and lovely Penny, devoted to a life of service, was dead. She had just returned from three years of mission work in Paris, France. In response to requests of the friends of the Close family, the College has opened a memorial fund to purchase books for the library. These have been purchased and will be purchased in the French language section and the section related to foreign mission work.
The Women's Service Club finished paying for a two thousand dollar walk-in refrigerator which was installed in the Morgan Cafeteria. This is only one of the many gifts of the Women's Service Club since its organization in 1958. Over the years, the ladies have provided paint for the rooms in Torkelson Hall, paint and curtains, steam table, tables and chairs in the Morgan Cafeteria, furnishings for the common room in the Wilfred Orr Residence, study desks in the dormitories, drapes for the stage, and lockers (1968) in the new education building. May God's blessings rest on the many unselfish women who have been so generous with their time and money!
At last the Western Mustangs captured the elusive provincial trophy for basketball A. After four unsuccessful attempts at the provincial finals in 1961, 1965, 1966, and 1967, they were victorious in 1968. Before the Christmas holidays prospects of winning the title were not promising as the team suffered four defeats in league play. But after the holidays the tide turned. Barring one more defeat, all other games brought victory. Seventeen straight victories.
The Mustangs defeated Fillmore in Unit competition, Carnduff in District competition and both Kamsack and Kipling in the Regional. Once again, they were in provincial competition, played this year at Rosthern.
Their first game was against the defending champions, Kerrobert Rebels. It was a tough game. Mustangs led by one point at half-time but in the fourth quarter, they increased their lead and victory came with a 37-31 score.
Now, for the final game with Rosthern, who had the advantage of playing on their home basketball court. At half-time the score was tied, but again with a powerful upward surge in the fourth quarter, the Mustangs defeated Rosthern with the score of 53-42.
"Victory is our cry," rose from the eighty-five staff and students in the bleachers. They had ridden three hundred miles to see the final games. Many alumni from Saskatoon were also there. The boundless spirit of the rooters contributed toward the final victory. The coach of one of the defeated teams said that he knew the Mustangs would be victorious when he heard the cheers and songs of the bus load arriving for the games.
The coaches of the victorious team were Tom Ulrich and James Willett - "Couldn't have done it without you, Daddy Willett," cried the students. The managers were David McMillan and Ron May. The champs themselves were Ray Vass, Charles Muller, Tom Manning, Bill Ulrich, Fred Start Lockman, Ben Wuttunee, David Gates, Roger Box, Elvin Meakes, Mike Brazle, Mark Brazle.
Directed by Amy Bissell, the lively cheer leaders who boosted school spirit to a high point were Wendy Krogsgaard, Cheryl May, Debbie Sinclair, Ardith Laycock, Bonnie Davies, and Debbie Bailey.
It was a great night for Western! An almost unbelievable goal had been reached - a provincial victory!
Intercollegiate sports are excellent promoters of school spirit and certainly can encourage good public relations; nevertheless, I am convinced that intramural sports, if well organized, promote school welfare equally in another way. In fact, if a school had to choose one only of the two types of play, it should choose intramural activity.
A good intramural sports' program can have a therapeutic effect on a greater number of students. In this school business, we want the individual students, not so popular, not so gifted, to gain self respect by being an accepted part of a team. This acceptance seems so important to the average teenager in our culture.
Ever since the College moved to Weyburn, we have had intramural sports' competition first by grades, then by houses. In 1968 Glenda McAlister organized and administered a very fine intramural program-with games twice weekly all year. The Astronauts won the shield and the individual trophy winners were Betty Hettinger and Ben Wuttunee.
It is interesting to note news items in the Messenger which indicate progress toward the goal of Junior College status in September 1968.
Ellen Massey, with a master's degree in psychology and library science has been added to the faculty...James Pennington from Estevan will head the new department of Bible...Dryden Sinclair reports favorable progress in the fund raising campaign...the Board of Directors will meet on March 30 to formulate further plans for Western Christian's "Project for Progress"...David Lidbury '53 appointed the dean of the new college program...
A special all-day fellowship was organized by the Weyburn Church of Christ on May 26, to say farewell to Ray McMillan '58, his wife, Ellen McCutcheon '62 and Bob Parker '64 and his wife, Sharon Start '64 who left by Air-Canada from Regina May 17 for India to preach the good news of Christ. They planned to teach and train interested citizens for leadership in the church.
A bus load of students from Western and four car loads of other friends motored to Regina to bid Godspeed to the four alumni.
In previous years, former students have gone to foreign lands to teach the message of Christ: Mabel Rogers to Zambia, Roy Davison to the Netherlands, Sue Wilson to South Africa...Perhaps this departure had a greater impact on our student body because the four left from Weyburn. Their decision to serve Christ in a foreign land has inspired several of our present students to consider greater service in this land and across the seas.
In order to prepare for the increased enrollment anticipated with the inauguration of the two-year advanced Bible courses and one year liberal arts, the Board decided to open a new boys' dormitory. The building selected was one that had been used formerly to accommodate overflow crowds at special events such as Lectureship and Homecoming. This new dormitory was named Hanes Hall in honour of Mr and Mrs. Otis Hanes from Oklahoma, long time loyal supporters of Western. Repairs and renovations in this building were part of our summer works program in 1968.
In May construction began on the new education building. The old mess hall had all shingles removed from its walls and broken down appendages hauled away. The Foundation also announced a gift of ten thousand dollars from Mr. and Mrs. Otto Foster and Mrs. Rita Foster Stocking. Because the gift was to be used in the construction of this building, it would bear the name - Rita Foster-Stocking Education Building.
Work continued on the building during June, July, August, and September. Much to our disappointment, the building was not ready for occupancy at school opening time. Except for some sub- contracting, labour was done by college staff directed by Danny Pauls and Ernest Andreas. The renovations have cost $82,000.00, but it has been estimated that an entirely new building with such facilities would cost at least $200,000.00.
Enrollment: Junior College - 19 full time, 3 part time; High School - 132
A year with six milestones - six notable days! At our fall staff and faculty institute, August 19, James E. Pennington delivered the following definitive speech, describing the new Junior College Bible Program:
"The autumn of 1968 was somewhat unusual on the prairies of southern Saskatchewan in that the last weeks of summer had brought with them an unusual amount of rainfall. Each morning, a misty haze covered the unreaped fields and a cool dampness made one face the day with a tug at the collar.
"On the Western Christian College campus new things were underway. The campus centre had moved from the old administration building to a gleaming new five gable structure housing a complete Educational Complex. In addition to the new building was a new Junior College Program of Liberal Arts and Bible with Related Subjects. The 1968-1969 High School Bulletin and Junior college Catalog introduced the new program in these words:
'The entire program is focused in the belief that the Bible is God's revealed will and that it should be the core of the education of man.
'Academically our purpose is to provide a complete high school standing plus additional studies in Liberal Arts and Religion on the junior college level. The college program will prepare a student to pursue higher education in college or university. A terminal course is also offered, designed to prepare a young woman or a young man for more complete service in the kingdom of Christ. Credit for courses on the college level will be given by senior Christian colleges in the United States...'
"To the far-sighted person who has felt the thrust of the Winter Bible Schools of the past, the addition of the Junior College Program holds similar effect for modern Western Canada.
"This speech is intended to be a description of the newly formed Bible Department and Related Subjects. The first statement of philosophy of instruction in the Bible Department is the slogan of Western Christian College: 'A Bible Centered Education'...
"There are three reasons for the addition of the Junior College Bible Department which stresses a 'Bible Centered Education.' First, the Christian youth in Western Canada have a need and a capacity to study the Bible on an advanced level. Just as the past called forth the Winter Bible Schools, our modern Canadian culture calls forth an advanced study of the Bible for our keen modern Christian youth.
"Secondly, the expansion of the Bible curriculum makes Western an appropriate centre for such an advanced Bible program. It is here that qualified staff and teachers are already assembled. It is here that the students have gathered for study. It is here that a classroom program is presently in progress which can easily be expanded to include the Junior College Bible Program. So - it is here that the Bible centered education is being placed on a Junior college level. Thirdly, Western Christian College is offering a 'Bible Centered Education' in 1968-1969 because we are convinced that such a program will be a blessing to Canadian youth, to Canadian congregations, and to Canadian generations, some of which are yet unborn.
"The second statement of our philosophy of instruction in the Junior College Bible Department is that the instruction will be based on the Restoration Principle. The teaching of the Bible will proceed with the understanding that in the New Testament is found the will of God for man today. The Restoration Principle is a philosophy that teaches that the original pattern of faith and practice was intended to be passed from generation to generation without alteration.
"Secondly, Bible instruction will be based on an evangelical scholarship. This means that our emphasis will be placed on evangelism rather than intellectual (or pseudo-intellectual approaches so common in some religious schools..." Thirdly, Bible instruction at Western Christian College will be based on the needs of Christian youth in Western Canada. The catalog devises a plan for both those who plan for other higher education and for those who plan to take only the offerings in the Western Bible Program. Regarding the student who desires higher education, the catalog says: 'The college program will prepare a student to pursue higher education in college or university...' But should a student desire to take only the courses offered by Western...the catalog points up that the program was planned to be an adequate course if all classes are taken.
'A terminal course is also offered designed to prepare a young woman or a young man for more complete service in the kingdom of Christ...'
"My closing exhortation to my fellow-workers in this college is that we all be sufficiently aware of the gravity of our task in establishing a Christian Junior College in Western Canada. Let us carefully lay the foundations and upon them build a structure of 'gold, silver and precious stones' for if we do not carefully and prayerfully lay the foundations and build upon them, our work could be 'wood, hay, and stubble.' While we are not so foolish as to bend to flattery, or so naive as to build for praise of men, let us keep in mind that what we do will surely be evaluated by many generations. As John Ruskin has said:
'When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for. And let us think, as we lay stone on stone, a time is come when these stones are held sacred, because our hands have touched them - and that they will say as they look upon the labour and wrought substance of them: Look - this is what our fathers did for us.'"
In this speech, Brother Pennington gave public, oral expression to the private hopes and dreams of the assembled staff and faculty. Suddenly we were confronted with the awesome realization that we were writing the chronicles of time. Tomorrow lay crystallized before us; the vague future was compressed into the vivid present. For a brief moment, it was as though we caught the "vision splendid." Small wonder that I regard August 19 as a great day of the year.
I must admit that the vision did not remain continuously during the school term. Often life was a fairly routine business where I wondered if grade ten had been granted a sabbatical or why grade twelve students thought they had too much homework.
September 9 was the second date of historical importance. It was registration day for the new junior college program. Fifteen full- time students (three later additions) and three part time students registered on that date. The charter members of the college class are Heather Brown '67, Dale Elford '61, Pat Hamer '68, Wesley Hanson '64, Wendy Krogsgaard '68, John Machin '64, Tom Manning '68, Elvin Meakes '68, J.C.Murray '61, David McMillan '68, Carole Pauls '66, Ruth Phypers '68, Fred Start Lockman '68, Sharon Straker '66, Clair Weltzin '68, and Jimmy Lee Willett. Three others enrolled later during the year: Sandra Rhodes, Daryle Edstrom, and Bathini; Christopher.
This is the roll call of the charter junior college faculty:
David Lidbury, Dean of the College: Master of Education degree - intelligent, and friendly.
Mrs. Glenda McAlister: Master of Education with a physical education major - a gracious lady.
Walter McAlister: Master of Education with a history major - levelheaded, straightforward.
Mrs. Ellen Massey: Master's degree in psychology and library science - creative, limitless faith in young people.
Mrs. Raymona Pennington: Bachelor's degree in English and Education - thorough and definite (sincerely appreciated by this writer).
James E. Pennington: Master of Science degree in Bible, Practical Field - scholarly and organized.
James L. Willett: Bachelor of Arts degree with graduate courses in music - patient with young people and understanding.
October 9 was the fourth day of historical significance. That was Moving Day - all equipment moved from the old classrooms by an excited faculty and student body to the Rita Foster-Stocking Education Building. The old mess hall, formerly used for storage had been completely transformed into a modern building with stucco exterior and modern Sasko outswing windows.
The Education Building has eight classrooms which will accommodate 250 students, two science laboratories, the J.C.Bailey Learning Resource Centre, and office and lounge facilities for the faculty. The two science laboratories have been fully equipped through gifts by Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moore, Canton, Ohio, and Dr. and Mrs. J. Warren Jackson, Kerrville, Texas.
The chemistry laboratory has individual stations complete with stainless steel sinks and gas jets. A folding wall between two classrooms can be opened to create a study hall that accommodates eighty students. The wide, well-lighted hallways with beige tiles are a remarkable contrast to the narrow, dimly lighted one with brown masonite of the former classroom area.
The J.C.Bailey Learning Resource Centre, which rapidly became the favorite room of the students, is a large square room with wide hall ways on three sides which open into the class rooms. The greens, gold and orange of the carpet harmonize with the same gay colours on the walls. Mrs. Massey chose these colours because to her they were Saskatchewan:
"Delicate pastels are blending
Gold and green of every hue,
With the Master Artist's cloud-prints
White and grey on purest blue."
Ellen Massey wrote these lines about Saskatchewan in her book published a few days before her untimely death in August, 1969.
While the students were hurrying around bringing desks, maps, books, and science equipment, I explored our new premises in tip- toe wonderment almost expecting the mirage to disappear at any moment. The Education Building is the finest one in which I have ever taught in my nearly forty years of teaching.
But do you know, I nearly shed a tear as I gave the old, narrow, dark classrooms one last good-bye glance?
October 13 was the fifth date in the chronology of important events. On that cool, windy afternoon several hundred alumni, students and friends of Western Christian College gathered in front of the building as Dr. McIsaac, Saskatchewan Minister of Education, cut the green and white ribbons to open officially the Rita Foster- Stocking Education Building.
Before the ribbon cutting, the visitors listened to the dedication ceremony.
1. O Canada - A Cappella Chorus
2. Invocation - J. E. Pennington
3. Welcome - Introduction of special guests - D. Lidbury
4. Letter from Mrs. Rita Foster-Stocking - D. Sinclair
5. Dedication of Building - E.D.Wieb
6. Prayer - J. Kennedy
7. Hymn - A Cappella Chorus
8. Messages:
President Wieb dedicated the Rita Foster-Stocking Education Building to the purpose of serving the youth of Western Canada. Here each student will be educated in all aspects of his four-fold being.
Dr. McIsaac expressed appreciation for the fine work accomplished at Western Christian College and commended the Board for its initiative in proceeding with the junior college program without requesting government assistance.
Mayor Tom Hart acknowledged the impact of the College on the educational and social life of the Weyburn community.
During the tour of the building other special gifts were made to the opening day book collection of the Resource Centre.
Touring guests were very congratulatory in their remarks: "You have to see it to believe it." "Was this really an old air-force building?" "Look at the bright colours in the library." "It's lovely." "You must be very happy."
Afterwards the special guests were entertained at tea at President Wieb's apartment.
To most of the alumni and friends of the College, October 13 was the bold red-letter day of the year; to me it was somewhat anti- climactic after Moving Day.
May 23 was the sixth and final prominent day in the table of special events 1968-1969. This was the date of the first commencement exercises of the new Junior College program.
"Where are you going?" was the question asked by Bruce Tetreau '55 of Regina in his address to the college class. He said that Canada is being invaded by a people who want control of all facets of life. In fifty years Canada will be controlled by these invaders- the youth of today. Bruce urged the graduating class to find their place in this invasion.
One hundred and twenty friends and relatives of the junior college class had gathered in the Morgan Cafeteria, colourfully and appropriately decorated by the high school graduates. The theme for the decorations was "pionera" as the college students called themselves the Pioneers. Dean Lidbury was master of ceremonies.
Elvin Meakes was presented the Academic Award and the Dean's Award for his contribution to the school.
A Bible was awarded Dale Elford for his accomplishment and promise in the special field of Bible and Religion.
Heather Brown received the Future Homemaker Award and Carole Pauls received a certificate of achievement.
Elvin Meakes was also recognized for being the first president of the college class; Wesley Hanson for general attitude and co-operation in class; Clair Weltzin for his work with the college radio station, and Jimmy Willett for his work with the college radio station and for his song writing, and J.C.Murray for his achievements as president of the local alumni association.
Five of the seventeen students honored at the commencement exercises were presented with Associate in Arts degrees. They were Patricia Muriel Hamer, Wesley Jerome Hanson, Wendy Karen Krogsgaard, Elvin Charles Meakes and Carole Joanne Pauls.
Mrs. Roberts, dean of the high school girls, the Skylarks, and the graduating class all entertained the gathering with several songs.
During the past twenty-five years we have reached various goals in Christian education. Already we plan for new ones "Yet all experience is an arch where through gleams that untravelled world."
When I consider the former students who have travelled the miserable road of failure...
When I consider those who have forgotten their God...
When I consider that our lack of wisdom during the years may have contributed toward these calamities, then I am saddened by memories of the past. When I consider the former students who enrolled twenty-three of their sons and daughters in 1968, the seven who are members of the Board of Directors, the more than one hundred who gave gifts to Western during the past year and...
When I consider former students who are missionaries in Zambia, Belgium, India and...
When I consider those who are ministers of the gospel and Bible teachers in Kelowna, Regina, Brandon, and...
When I consider the host of others who are serving mankind in various professions and trades in Manson, Toronto, Yellowknife and...
Then I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I have had the privilege of being at Radville and Weyburn all these years.
O God, give the administration the courage to make decisions that will redound to Thy glory.
Give the staff and faculty the constant realization that their purpose is to help the student.
Awaken appreciation in the alumni so that they will devise ways to assist Western.
Grant us countless friends who will have faith in our cause. In Thy Son's name I pray. Amen.