Western Christian College
Junior College Awards


A liberal arts scholarship is given to a student who has attended the full year and who has received the highest marks. The student must have taken at least two liberal arts classes per semester plus three hours of Bible. The average includes all grades for the year.

1977 Eddie Willett
1978 Brian Olson and Anna Venini
1979 Hugh Manson and Bernard Olson
1980 Shelley Slinn
1981 Sharon Olson
1982 Andrew Manson
1983 Darla Murray
1984 Coreena Jacobs
1985 Ronald Bailey
1986 Janna Harvey
1987 Nathan Pennington, Shirley Russell and Kevin Vance
1988 Philip DeYoung
1989 Troy Hodgson
1990 Mark DeYoung
1991 Charlotte Wiebe
1992 Angela McLeod and Dwayne Davis
1993 Owen King
1994 Carolyn Wiebe

A Bible scholarship is given to a student who has attended the full year and who has received the highest marks. The student must have taken at least three Bible classes per semester plus three or more hours per semester. Average include all grades for the year.

1977 Larry Good and Philip Tromburg
1978 Karen Manson
1979 Mark Jefkins
1980 Peter Fawcett
1981 Rod Bell
1982 Linda Bolton
1983 Dawn Elford
1984 Kevin Vance
1985 Lee Patmore
1986 Lee Patmore
1987 Billy McMillan
1988 Troy Hodgson
1989 Tim Pippus
1990 Mark DeYoung
1991 Charlotte Wiebe
1992 Angela McCleod and Dwayne Davis
1993 Owen King
1994 Tara Laliberte
Carolyn Wiebe


The dean's award is generally presented to a second or third year student who is taking a reasonably full academic load, with a good, solid academic record. A student who is recognized as a leader in good works such as church, W.C.C. and community, displays Christian character of unselfishness and concern for others, displays promise for the future, exemplifies the type of student we want in our program, and is a people-person.

1970 Debbie Sinclair
1971 Mark Brazle
1972 Brenda Oberkirsch and Ruth Orr
1973 Danae-Marie Wenaas
1974 Paul Brazle
1975 "no grads, no awards"
1976 Brian Olson
1977 Philip Tromburg
1978 Lyle Asbill
1979 Mark Jefkins
1980 Peter Fawcett
1981 Mark Husband
1982 Ronald Johnson
1983 Michael Bolton
1984 Glen MacDonald
1985 Ronald Bailey
1986 Timothy Lock
1987 Kevin Vance
1988 Kevin Vance
1989 Troy Hodgson
1990 Tim Pippus
1991 Discontinued


The Janine Annita Farr Bible is presented each year to a Bible program student who, in the estimation of the faculty, is one whose life has been influenced by the scriptures and who has made a spiritual contribution to our student body.

This award is presented by Harold and Cherie Gronnerud in loving memory of their grand-daughter who passed away in a tragic accident.

1979 John Smith
1980 Mark Jefkins
1981 Vince Vogt
1982 Doreen Forder
1983 Barbara Haynen
1984 Holly Lock
1985 Shirley Russell
1986 Ray and Merle Fillion
1987 Will Hart
1988 Melissa Hansen
1989 Stephanie Olson
1990 Curtis Parker
1991 Charlotte Wiebe
1992 Angela McCleod
1993 Discontinued

This award is given to the student who, in the opinion of the faculty of Bible, is demonstrating in a practical way, the effects of Bible study in his\her service to the church, the college, and the community. The student must be held in high esteem by other college students, by the staff and faculty of the college. There must be evidence of concern for people through teaching, Bible studies and or other means of witness for Christ.

The scholarship is presented on the understanding that the recipient will be returning to W.C.C. to study Bible for the year following the presentation. The scholarship will be granted during the second semester when it is certain that the recipient will complete the year and continues to display those qualities which led to the presentation of the scholarship.

This award is presented by Maurice Taylor. Mr. Taylor became director for Hanes Hall in the fall of 1979. The Taylor home has always been open to everyone, but especially to the boys in the dormitory. When Mr. and Mrs. Taylor set up their Taylor Nooks business in 1983, they established both business and living quarters near the college so they could continue close contact with the students.

1987 Troy Hodgson
1988 Tim Pippus
1989 Tim Pippus
1990 Discontinued

This award is presented to the student who receives the highest Bible marks for a college student not majoring in Bible. This award is presented by Mr. Mickel Jacobs. Mr. Jacobs farmed in Saskatchewan for several years. Since retiring from farming, he makes his home in Weyburn. Mickel has been a "long-time friend" of the school.

1978 Ronda Kemp
1979 Hugh Manson
1980 Ronald Johnson
1981 Will Hart
1982 Cheryl Fawcett
1983 Timothy Lock
1984 Coreena Jacobs
1985 Melanie Hobbs
1986 Deborah Hendricks
1987 Angela Tucker
1988 Bradley Pawlak
1989 Stephanie Olson
1990 Mark DeYoung
1991 Discontinued


The Dan J. Ottinger Bible is presented to a student who, in the estimation of the faculty, has permitted the Bible to guide his/her own personal life, and who has demonstrated by personal Bible study and service that he/she will now serve the world by the principles of scripture.

Mr. Ottinger is a business man and a patron of Christian education from Nashville, Tennessee.

1973 Don Henson
1974 Kirk Roberts
1975 "no grads, no awards"
1976 Philip Wylie
1977 Wilfred Olson and Anna Venini
1978 Wayne Peckett
1979 Hugh Manson
1980 Gladys Balderson
1981 Cheryl Fawcett
1982 Kane Brandt
1983 Paul Bruno
1984 Billy Leung
1985 Timothy Lock
1986 James McGeachy
1991 Charlotte Wiebe
1992 Dwayne Davis
1993 Discontinued


Bible Faculty Award Duana Davies
Christian Growth Award Tyler Knibbs
Psychology Award Jennifer Jocelyn
Missions Award Kevin Hodges
Appreciation Award Nathan Close

Published in The Old Paths Archive (http://www.oldpaths.com)

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