Western Christian College
Faculty and Staff with Ten Years of Service
Arbutus Luella Tetreau

Arbutus Luella Tetreau (b 1928) is the daughter of Robert and Nellie Tetreau. She was born at Meyronne, Saskatchewan, and educated at a nearby country school and at the town of McCord (one year). She also attended Success Business College in Regina for nine months in 1952.

Arbutus was employed by the Saskatchewan Government (October 1952-October 1970) in several departments: Natural Resources, Mineral Resources, and Labour.

At Western Christian College, she was employed in the business office (1970-76), in the bookstore and post office (1977-86), in the post office and as receptionist (1986-88), and in the post office only (1988-89).

Her community service has been connected to either the church or the college. In both Regina and Weyburn, she has taught children's Bible classes. In both congregations, she has assisted with the Lord's table preparation. In Regina, she has taught during vacation Bible school and in Weyburn, she has served as secretary of the local Women's Service Club (two terms).

When considering her years at Western, she recalls enjoying contact with the Chinese students. She corresponds with a number of them. She found the bookstore work especially interesting and enjoyed her independence there. She has been impressed with the annual musicals that the students presented, and has other pleasant memories of her contact with the students.

Published in The Old Paths Archive (http://www.oldpaths.com)

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