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- Date Title
- December 10, 2024 Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Roy Davison
- November 22, 2024 We must all repent to be saved! Roy Davison
- November 22, 2024 Iedereen moet zich bekeren om gered te worden! Roy Davison
- November 20, 2024 Each of us shall give account of himself to God. Roy Davison
- November 20, 2024 Zo zal dan ieder van ons voor zichzelf rekenschap geven aan God. Roy Davison
- January 27, 2024 What will heaven be like? Roy Davison
- December 13, 2023 Where can we find the church that Jesus built? Roy Davison
- October 20, 2023 The gospel has been made known to all nations through inspired Scripture. Roy Davison
- October 20, 2023 How was grace given to us in Christ before time began? Roy
- October 20, 2023 Does God speak through dreams today? Roy
- May 8, 2023 How can someone be born again? Roy
- March 22, 2023 God's gift of eternal life is in His Son! Roy Davison
- March 2, 2023 Have we kept the faith? Roy Davison
- December 14, 2022 Are we walking with God? Roy Davison
- September 14, 2022 God's kingdom is glorious! Roy Davison
- July 11, 2022 We stand in the gospel of our salvation! Roy Davison
- July 11, 2022 Wij staan in het evangelie van onze redding! Roy Davison
- June 1, 2022 God is everywhere! Roy Davison
- January 18, 2022 Who is a Christian according to the Bible? Roy Davison
- October 25, 2021 Do you prefer darkness or light? Roy Davison
- October 13, 2021 Bouwt elkander op! Roy Davison
- September 21, 2021 Hoe behoren gelovigen met risico om te gaan? Roy Davison
- September 11, 2021 Does tattooing desecrate the body? Roy Davison
- September 1, 2021 How should believers deal with risk? Roy Davison
- July 23, 2021 What is the meaning of life? Roy Davison
- July 23, 2021 Wat is de zin van het leven? Roy Davison
- April 18, 2021 Do not be deceived! Roy Davison
- April 18, 2021 Laat u niet misleiden! Roy Davison
- April 14, 2021 Jesus explained worship to a Samaritan woman. Roy Davison
- April 14, 2021 Jezus legde aanbidding uit aan een Samaritaanse vrouw. Roy Davison
- April 3, 2021 A new day is dawning! Roy Davison
- April 3, 2021 Een nieuwe dag breekt aan! Roy Davison
- February 12, 2019 Search the Scriptures Charles J. Kincaid
- January 21, 2019 God heeft de blijmoedige gever lief Roy Davison
- January 8, 2019 Bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord Roy Davison
- December 24, 2018 God
loves a cheerful giver Roy Davison
- December 12, 2018 Wat is de wereldbeschouwing van de bijbel? - Deel 1 Roy Davison
- November 28, 2018 What is the truth about God? Roy Davison
- November 28, 2018 Wat is de waarheid over God? Roy Davison
- August 20, 2018 Here I raise my Ebenezer Autobiography by Roy Davison
- April 27, 2018 One Lord, one faith, one baptism (Ephesians 4:5) Roy Davison
- April 2, 2018 Eén Here, één geloof, één doop (Efeziërs 4:5) Roy Davison
- February 5, 2018 What does God require of us? Roy Davison
- February 5, 2018 Wat vraagt God van ons? Roy Davison
- January 3, 2018 Abstain from sexual immorality Roy
- December 18, 2017 There will be false teachers among you Roy
- December 18, 2017 Onder u zullen valse leraars komen Roy
- July 18, 2017 Two classic arguments for the existence of God Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 False theories versus the truth on inspiration Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 Respecting the silence of Scripture Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 The difference between the Lord's church and the religions of men Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 The validity of the plea for restoration Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 The dual requirements of faith and works Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 What the Bible teaches about baptism Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 Dispensations of time Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 The intertestamental period Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 Fornication and adultery Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 Is instrumental music an aid or an addition? Dub McClish
- July 18, 2017 A half century of church history Dub McClish
Some distruptive teachings among churches of Christ from 1950 to 2000.
- July 18, 2017 Did Jesus believe in hell? Dub McClish
- June 27, 2017 Beware of
false teaching on baptism! Roy Davison
- May 29, 2017 How
can one identify the true church? Roy Davison
- April 24, 2017 He
who glories, let him glory in the Lord Roy
- April 3, 2017 Are you clothed with Christ? Roy
- April 3, 2017 Bent u met Christus bekleed? Roy
- February 25, 2017 Unscriptural religious celebrations displease God. Roy
- February 25, 2017 Onbijbelse godsdienstige vieringen mishagen God. Roy
- January 25, 2017 To God be the glory in the church! Roy
- January 18, 2017 God zij de heerlijkheid in de gemeente! Roy
- November 28, 2016 Rejoice in God and cast your care on Him. Roy Davison
Don't worry. Be happy!
- November 28, 2016 Maak je geen zorgen. Wees gelukkig! Roy Davison
- October 28, 2016 We have the prophetic word confirmed. Roy Davison
How the gospel was verified in the first century by signs, wonders, powers and gifts
of the Holy Spirit.
- October 28, 2016 Wij hebben het profetische woord
des te vaster. Roy Davison
Hoe in de eerste eeuw het evangelie door tekenen, wonderen, krachten en gaven van de
Heilige Geest echt werd verklaard.
- September 26, 2016 Be saved from this perverse generation! Roy Davison
- September 26, 2016 Laat u redden uit dit verkeerd geslacht! Roy Davison
- July 27, 2016 Worship God! Roy Davison
- July 27, 2016 Aanbidt God! Roy Davison
- July 21, 2016 How can they hear without a preacher? Roy
- July 21, 2016 Hoe kunnen zij horen zonder prediker? Roy Davison
- June 20, 2016 Jesus is the true light that enlightens every man Roy Davison
- June 20, 2016 Jezus is het waarachtige licht dat ieder mens verlicht Roy Davison
- May 25, 2016 What is the work of the church? Roy Davison
- May 25, 2016 Wat is het werk van de gemeente? Roy Davison
- April 25, 2016 Is God's word written on your heart? Roy Davison
- April 25, 2016 Is Gods woord in uw hart geschreven? Roy Davison
- March 23, 2016 Let us be faithful stewards of the mysteries of God Roy Davison
- March 23, 2016 Trouwe rentmeesters van Gods geheimenissen moeten wij zijn Roy Davison
- January 14, 2016 Why should I be a Baptist? Charles J. Kincaid
- January 5, 2016 Why do we love Jesus? Roy Davison
- January 5, 2016 Waarom hebben wij Jezus lief? Roy Davison
- December 15, 2015 Living a life of modesty Beth Johnson
- December 15, 2015 Bringing up a generation that knows God Beth Johnson
- December 2, 2015 Why was Jesus despised? Roy Davison
- December 2, 2015 Waarom werd Jezus veracht? Roy Davison
- October 27, 2015 Does the church of Christ consist of the saved? Roy Davison
- October 27, 2015 Bestaat de gemeente van Christus uit allen die behouden zijn? Roy Davison
- October 16, 2015 Jesus taught religious freedom Roy Davison
- September 10, 2015 Lift up your eyes! What are Biblical principles for effective evangelism? Roy Davison
- May 11, 2015 Let us walk in the light of the Lord Roy Davison
- May 9, 2015 Laten wij wandelen in het licht des Heren Roy Davison
- May 7, 2015 Audio Sermons Marshall Keeble
- March 24, 2015 The
Lord your God is testing you Roy
- March 24, 2015 De Here
uw God stelt u op de proef Roy
- February 23, 2015 The
blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin Roy
- February 23, 2015 Het
bloed van Jezus reinigt ons van alle zonde Roy
- January 28, 2015 Why is Sunday a special day for Christians? Roy
- January 28, 2015 Waarom is zondag een bijzondere dag voor christenen? Roy
- December 27, 2014 Contend earnestly for the faith! Roy
- December 23, 2014 Strijdt tot het uiterste voor het geloof! Roy
- November 25, 2014 The gospel of the grace of God Roy Davison
- November 18, 2014 Het evangelie van de genade Gods Roy Davison
- October 26, 2014 What do the Scriptures tell us about Satan? Roy Davison
- October 26, 2014 Wat vernemen wij uit de Schrift over de satan? Roy Davison
- September 28, 2014 Let us praise the Lord! Roy Davison
- September 28, 2014 Geef God de eer! Roy Davison
- August 25, 2014 The hour of His judgement has come Roy Davison
- August 25, 2014 Het uur van Gods oordeel
is gekomen Roy Davison
- August 25, 2014 Let us
pursue the knowledge of God Roy Davison
- August 25, 2014 Laten
wij ernaar jagen God te kennen Roy Davison
- August 6, 2014 Why I am no longer a Pentecostal William Davis
- August 6, 2014 From Pentecostalism to the church established on Pentecost William Davis
- May 26, 2014 Are we a church of Christ? Roy Davison
- May 26, 2014 Zijn wij een gemeente van Christus? Roy Davison
- May 7, 2014 Fear God! Roy Davison
- May 7, 2014 Vreest God! Roy Davison
- April 7, 2014 Lead us
not into Temptation Roy Davison
- April 7, 2014 Leid
ons niet in verzoeking Roy Davison
- March 5, 2014 Vlucht uit Babel! Roy Davison
- March 3, 2014 There is good news for fallen humanity Roy Davison
- March 3, 2014 Er is goed nieuws voor de gevallen mensheid Roy Davison
- January 26, 2014 Does God occupy the first place in our lives? Roy Davison
- January 26, 2014 Bekleedt God de eerste plaats in ons leven? Roy Davison
- December 27, 2013 Mark, the Power Gospel Roy Davison
- December 23, 2013 Be
baptized, and wash away your sins Roy Davison
- December 17, 2013 Laat u dopen en uw zonden afwassen Roy Davison
- November 26, 2013 Flee from the midst of Babylon! Roy Davison
- October 21, 2013 Do you long to be with Christ? Roy Davison
- October 5, 2013 What is precious to you? Roy Davison
- October 5, 2013 Wat is u kostbaar? Roy Davison
- September 14, 2013 Betty's Bouts and Battles Betty Roemer
- August 27, 2013 May we judge our neighbor? Roy Davison
- August 14, 2013 Mogen wij onze naaste oordelen? Roy Davison
- August 8, 2013 De wetteloosheid doet de liefde verkillen Roy Davison
- July 24, 2013 Lawlessness causes love to grow cold Roy Davison
- July 16, 2013 Kunnen wij de gemeente van het Nieuwe Testament zijn? Roy Davison
- July 3, 2013 The Christian and Civil Government Wayne Jackson
- July 3, 2013 The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship Wayne Jackson
- July 3, 2013 Will There Be Personal Recognition in Heaven? Wayne Jackson
- July 3, 2013 The Biblical Doctrine of the Godhead Wayne Jackson
- July 3, 2013 The Allegory of the Vine and the Branches Wayne Jackson
- July 3, 2013 Psallo and the Instrumental Music Controversy Wayne Jackson
- July 3, 2013 Examining Premillennialism Wayne Jackson
- July 3, 2013 The Menace of Radical Preterism Wayne Jackson
- June 29, 2013 For His Name's Sake Various British Authors
Book published in 1921 about experiences of British conscientious objectors during WWI.
- June 26, 2013 Sing to the Lord! Roy Davison
- June 26, 2013 Zingt tot de Heer! Roy Davison
- June 13, 2013 Beware of dogs ... and people! Roy Davison
- June 13, 2013 Pas op voor honden ... en mensen! Roy Davison
- June 7, 2013 Biblical Chronology Roy Davison
- May 15, 2013 Do we remember and forget the right things? Roy Davison
- May 15, 2013 Gedenken en vergeten wij de juiste dingen? Roy Davison
- March 27, 2013 The dynamic faith of two Ethiopians Roy Davison
- March 27, 2013
Het dynamische geloof van twee Ethiopiërs Roy Davison
- February 22, 2013 Seek the things that are above! Roy Davison
- February 10, 2013 Zoekt de dingen die boven zijn! Roy Davison
- January 30, 2013 God has revealed the mystery of His will to His saints! Roy Davison
- January 30, 2013 God heeft het geheimenis van Zijn wil aan Zijn heiligen geopenbaard! Roy Davison
- January 26, 2013 Wat zijn de taken van een gemeente van Christus? Roy Davison
- January 25, 2013 Hallowed be Your name Eugene Perry
- January 25, 2013 God speaks to man Eugene Perry
- January 25, 2013 Finding one's self - Who am I? Eugene Perry
- January 14, 2013 Our heart is with them Beth Johnson
- December 27, 2012 They did not receive the love of the truth! Roy Davison
- December 12, 2012 De liefde tot de waarheid hebben zij niet aanvaard! Roy Davison
- November 30, 2012 Love one another as I have loved you Roy Davison
- November 30, 2012 Hebt elkaar lief gelijk Ik u liefgehad heb Roy Davison
- October 17, 2012 The love of Christ compels us Roy Davison
- October 15, 2012 De liefde van Christus dringt ons Roy Davison
- September 19, 2012 Love your enemies Roy Davison
- September 19, 2012 Hebt uw vijanden lief Roy Davison
- August 31, 2012 Love your neighbor as yourself Roy Davison
- August 31, 2012 U moet uw naaste liefhebben als uzelf Roy Davison
- July 19, 2012 Love the Lord your God Roy Davison
- July 19, 2012 Hebt de Here uw God lief Roy Davison
- July 11, 2012 Can't Live Without Them Sandi Rog
- July 11, 2012 It Is Written Sandi Rog
- July 10, 2012 God heeft gerechtigheid en recht lief Roy Davison
- June 28, 2012 God loves righteousness and justice Roy Davison
- June 13, 2012 Greek Words for Love in the New Testament Roy Davison
- May 31, 2012 Keep yourselves in the love of God Roy Davison
- May 31, 2012 Bewaart uzelf in de liefde Gods Roy Davison
- May 24, 2012 Interview with V. E. Howard 1970: Harding Oral History Library
- April 23, 2012 The Lord is our Judge, Lawgiver and King Roy Davison
- April 18, 2012 De Heer is onze Rechter, Wetgever en Koning Roy Davison
- March 28, 2012 Shall we continue in sin? Roy Davison
- March 26, 2012 Mogen wij bij de zonde blijven? Roy Davison
- March 3, 2012 Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever
(Hebrews 13:8) Roy Davison
- What have you seen that does not change?
- What unseen things are eternal?
- The word of our God stands forever
- The doctrine of Christ has not changed
- The church of Christ remains the same
- March 3, 2012 Jezus Christus is gisteren en heden dezelfde en tot in
eeuwigheid (Hebreeën 13:8) Roy Davison
- Wat hebt u gezien dat niet verandert?
- Welke onzichtbare dingen zijn eeuwig?
- Het woord van onze God houdt eeuwig stand
- De leer van Christus is niet veranderd
- De gemeente van Christus blijft dezelfde
- March 2, 2012 Why do so few become Christians and live as Christians? Roy Davison
- February 15, 2012 Waarom zijn er zo weinigen die christen worden en als christen leven? Roy Davison
- January 11, 2012 Verstaat wat de wil van de Heer is Roy Davison
- January 11, 2012 Christenen bidden dat Gods wil zal geschieden Roy Davison
- January 11, 2012 Indien de Here wil, zullen wij leven en dit of dat doen Roy Davison
- December 27, 2011 Understand what the will of the Lord is Roy Davison
- December 26, 2011 Christians pray for God's will to be done Roy Davison
- December 26, 2011 If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that Roy Davison
- December 7, 2011 Father to the Poor Beth Johnson
- October 14, 2011 Can one be saved by faith only? Roy Davison
- October 10, 2011 Kan men door geloof alleen behouden worden? Roy Davison
- September 26, 2011 The coming of the Lord is at hand Roy Davison
- September 26, 2011 De komst des Heren is nabij Roy Davison
- September 26, 2011 Are we under the power of Satan? Roy Davison
- September 23, 2011 The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost fulfilled an age-old promise of God Roy Davison
- September 23, 2011 De uitstorting van de Heilige Geest op de Pinksterdag vervulde een eeuwenoude
belofte van God Roy Davison
- September 16, 2011 Not Without Warning (Loving advice for Christian girls) Beth Johnson
- August 20, 2011 Learning faithfulness from Abigail Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 My blood of the New Testament Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 You are what you do Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 By His stripes we are healed Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Lord, is it I? Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 If I be lifted up Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 I will smite the Shepherd Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Are you a disciple of Jesus? Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 I have finished the work Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 He who sleeps in harvest Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Come again rejoicing Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 A sower went forth to sow Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 My Bible Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 If your enemys ox goes astray Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Though I give my body Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 I was eyes to the blind Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 What is fellowship? Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Do good and share Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Do not keep company with flattering brethren Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Do not keep company with self-serving brethren Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Pure religion: Helping the needy Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Pure religion: Keeping ourselves unspotted from the world Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Pure religion: Bridling the tongue Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Anger Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Cry for deliverance Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 The glorious remnant of God Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Quilting: An analogy Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 A soft answer Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 In her tongue Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Lips of knowledge Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 How will we be known? Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Not for all the money in the world! Beth Johnson
- August 17, 2011 Making good decisions Beth Johnson
- August 16, 2011 How much are you worth? Roy Davison
- August 16, 2011 Hoe veel bent u waard? Roy Davison
- August 11, 2011 An elder's children Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 The influence of an evil father Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 Plead for the widow Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 It shall accomplish what I please Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 Rain in harvest Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 What is your life? Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 Keep your eyes on the prize Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 What is human life worth? Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 So you want to marry a preacher? Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 Living like Pharisees and hypocrites Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 Keeping vows and forsaking the world Beth Johnson
- August 11, 2011 King of the Jews Beth Johnson
- July 14, 2011 Wandel ootmoedig met uw God Roy Davison
- June 29, 2011 Are you an heir of God? Roy Davison
- June 27, 2011 Walk humbly with your God Roy Davison
- June 25, 2011 What does God want me to do? Roy Davison
- June 25, 2011 Wat verlangt God dat ik doe? Roy Davison
- June 18, 2011 What did the first Christians believe? Roy Davison
- June 18, 2011 Wat geloofden de eerste christenen? Roy Davison
- May 25, 2011 Why did God destroy the world? Roy Davison
- May 16, 2011 What is contemplative prayer? Roy Davison
- May 14, 2011 Waarom heeft God de wereld vernietigd? Roy Davison
- May 12, 2011 What are spiritual disciplines? Roy Davison
- April 28, 2011 Do you have problems with that sinner in your life? Roy Davison
- April 16, 2011 Wat na de dood? Roy Davison
- April 16, 2011 Wees niemand iets schuldig dan elkaar lief te hebben Roy Davison
Bijbelse principes voor het omgaan met geld
- March 31, 2011 After death, what then? Roy Davison
- March 28, 2011 Owe no one anything except to love one another Roy Davison
Biblical principles for dealing with money
- February 27, 2011 Jesus called them sons of thunder Roy Davison
- February 16, 2011 Jezus noemde hen zonen van de donder Roy Davison
- December 29, 2010 Is there no hope? Roy Davison
- December 15, 2010 Is er geen hoop? Roy Davison
- December 14, 2010 An unfinished nest Roy Davison
- November 22, 2010 The LORD will provide Roy Davison
The providence of God
- November 22, 2010 De HERE zal erin voorzien Roy Davison
De voorzienigheid van God
- October 25, 2010 Zij waren aan het geloof gehoorzaam Roy Davison
- October 23, 2010 They were obedient to the faith Roy Davison
- October 1, 2010 We must obey God's word to be saved Roy Davison
Lecture presented at the Ghanaian church of Christ in Amsterdam, Holland with audio including Twi translation.
- September 17, 2010 Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given Roy Davison
- September 17, 2010 Een Kind is ons geboren, een Zoon is ons gegeven Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 Have compassion for one another Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 Who before Christ was the greatest person in the world? Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 God does not spare the branches Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 Wij zijn meer dan overwinnaars door Hem, die ons heeft liefgehad Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 Weest medelijdend Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 Genade zij u en vrede van God, onze Vader, en van de Here Jezus Christus Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 Wie was vóór Christus de grootste mens ter wereld? Roy Davison
- August 18, 2010 God spaart de takken niet Roy Davison
- June 17, 2010 Radio broadcasts and lectures V.E. Howard
- April 12, 2010 What are love feasts? Roy Davison
- April 8, 2010 Wordt geslachtsgemeenschap buiten het huwelijk ooit
goedgekeurd door het NT? Roy Davison
- April 2, 2010 Be the church that Jesus built Roy
- March 26, 2010 What must we do to be saved? Roy
- March 23, 2010 Wat moeten wij doen om gered te worden? Roy
- March 8, 2010 What beauty do you see in your mirror? Roy
- February 27, 2010 Hoe kan men opnieuw geboren worden? Roy
- February 17, 2010 Welke schoonheid ziet u in uw spiegel? Roy
- February 7, 2010 Bible Wardrobes & the Christian Woman's Spiritual Clothing Beth
- December 29, 2009 Cast your burden on the Lord Roy
- December 26, 2009 Werp uw bekommernis op de Heer Roy
- September 5, 2009 Gods woord in je hart en in je mond Roy
- August 24, 2009 How can you escape the condemnation of hell? Roy
- August 24, 2009 Hoe zult gij ontkomen aan het oordeel der hel? Roy
- August 21, 2009 133 sermon outlines David Arnold
- August 17, 2009 When
will these things be? Roy Davison
What do the predictions mean in Matthew 24, Mark
13 and Luke 21?
- August 17, 2009 Wanneer zal dat geschieden? Roy
Wat betekenen de
voorspellingen in Matteüs 24, Marcus 13 en Lucas
- July 11, 2009 God's eternal power and deity are understood through
the things that are made Roy Davison
- July 11, 2009 Gods eeuwige kracht en goddelijkheid worden uit Zijn
met het verstand doorzien Roy Davison
- March 31, 2009 Systematic Study of Bible Women Beth
- January 15, 2009 De gevolgen van overspel voor het huwelijk Roy
- November 15, 2008 Can we be the church of the New Testament? Roy
- October 21, 2008 Bribery - The Ethics of Giving and Receiving Gifts
Beth Johnson
- August 23, 2008 Wie
roemt, roeme in de Here Roy Davison
- June 14, 2008 Is there Redemption in the Blood of Christ? Herbert
- June 14, 2008 After Death Herbert Peterson
- June 14, 2008 Becoming a Christian Herbert Peterson
- June 8, 2008 Consider the goodness and severity of God Roy
- June 8, 2008 Let op
de goedertierenheid Gods en zijn gestrengheid Roy
- May 20, 2008 Hoe kunnen wij de waarheid kennen? Roy
- April 29, 2008 How
can we know the truth? Roy Davison
- April 15, 2008 How
can we maintain the unity of the Spirit? Roy
- April 15, 2008 Hoe
kunnen wij de eenheid van de Geest bewaren? Roy
- February 18, 2008 They
Worshiped the Dragon Roy Davison
- February 18, 2008 Zij
aanbaden de draak Roy Davison
- January 28, 2008 God's gift of eternal life is in His Son Roy
- January 28, 2008 Gods geschenk van eeuwig leven is in Zijn Zoon Roy
- January 19, 2008 The gospel plan of salvation T. W.
- December 15, 2007 God
will create new heavens and a new earth Roy
- December 15, 2007 God schept nieuwe hemelen en een nieuwe aarde Roy
- November 18, 2007 Lord, teach us to pray Beth Johnson
- November 18, 2007 Two men prayed Beth Johnson
- November 18, 2007 Pray for our national leaders Beth
- November 18, 2007 God will not hear murderers Beth
- November 18, 2007 Let prayer accompany your admonitions Beth
- November 18, 2007 Things the Gentiles seek Beth
- November 18, 2007 Man plans - God directs Beth Johnson
- November 18, 2007 Not a soul dies without the Father Beth
- November 18, 2007 Take comfort Beth Johnson
- November 18, 2007 Teaching our children and grandchildren Beth
- November 18, 2007 Here a little, and there a little Beth
- November 9, 2007 Which church should we attend? Roy
- October 12, 2007 God
is love Roy Davison
- October 12, 2007 God is liefde Roy Davison
- September 15, 2007 Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins Roy
- September 15, 2007 Jezus Christus is de verzoening voor onze zonden
Roy Davison
- September 10, 2007 Who
is the antichrist? Roy Davison
- September 10, 2007 Wie is de antichrist? Roy Davison
- July 27, 2007 Concerns about baptism Eugene Perry
- July 27, 2007 Male and female - God's plan Eugene
- March 24, 2007 My soul
waits for the Lord Roy Davison
- March 24, 2007 Mijn
ziel wacht op de Heer Roy Davison
- March 17, 2007 Let
us be faithful stewards of the mysteries of God Roy
- March 17, 2007 Laten
wij trouwe rentmeesters zijn van de geheimenissen Gods Roy
- January 31, 2007 Forgive as the Lord forgave Eugene
- January 31, 2007 Choose to be a winner Eugene
- February 18, 2005 Let us
be sober (Avoiding alcohol
abuse) Roy Davison
- February 18, 2005 Laten
wij nuchter zijn (Het vermijden van
alcoholmisbruik) Roy Davison
- December 6, 2005 Be with me Lord Beth Johnson
- November 11, 2005 The
Old and the New Covenant Roy Davison
- November 8, 2005 Near the Father Beth Johnson
- October 7, 2005 Will
you beg in harvest? Beth Johnson
- September 29, 2005 Go
to the ant Beth Johnson
- September 26, 2005 The
consequences of sin Beth Johnson
- September 26, 2005 Treason, Traitors and Treachery Beth
- September 26, 2005 Judas Beth Johnson
- February 23, 2005 Judging accusations against others Beth
- February 23, 2005 Inheritance of children Beth Johnson
- February 23, 2005 Learning the fear of the Lord Beth
- February 14, 2005 God has
appointed men as leaders in the home and in the church Roy
- February 14, 2005 In het
gezin en in de gemeente heeft God mannen als leiders aangesteld
Roy Davison
- November 23, 2004 Pentecost (Acts 2) The Day the Church Began J.C.
- November 16, 2004 Restoration: A Treasure in Earthen Vessels J.C.
- November 16, 2004 Is This Message for You? J.C. Bailey
- November 16, 2004 Restoring New Testament Evangelism? J.C.
- November 11, 2004 Should We Proselyte? J.C. Bailey
- November 4, 2004 Saved by many things J.C. Bailey
- October 30, 2004 Saved by grace J.C. Bailey
- October 30, 2004 Make your calling and election sure J.C.
- October 30, 2004 Were former days better? J.C. Bailey
- October 30, 2004 Think on these things J.C. Bailey
- October 27, 2004 The Life of Jesus Christ Herbert
- October 9, 2004 "Others have Labored and Ye are Entered into Their
Labors" J.C. Bailey
- October 4, 2004 I will build My church J.C. Bailey
- October 4, 2004 Lest we forget J.C. Bailey
- September 25, 2004 The use of money in the work of the church J.C.
- September 18, 2004 Is my natural strength abated? J.C.
- September 16, 2004 The New Testament use
of the preposition KATA with special reference to its distributive
aspects Paul Southern
- September 13, 2004 Be
holy in all your conduct Roy Davison
- September 13, 2004 Wordt heilig in al uw wandel Roy
- September 13, 2004 Are you
ready for the judgment? Roy Davison
- September 13, 2004 Bent u
klaar voor het oordeel? Roy Davison
- September 13, 2004 Are
HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases punishment for
sin? Roy Davison
- September 13, 2004 Zijn
HIV/AIDS en andere sexueel overdraagbare ziekten straf voor
zonde? Roy Davison
- September 11, 2004 The war is on J.C. Bailey
- July 28, 2004 How then can a Christian say: I am not supported?
J.C. Bailey
- July 27, 2004 Trying times J.C. Bailey
- July 27, 2004 Evangelism in India After 25 years, what then?
J.C. Bailey
- July 17, 2004 Faith is the Answer A letter to Indian preachers
J.C. Bailey
- July 13, 2004 The good old days J.C. Bailey
- July 2, 2004 We
serve the living God Roy Davison
- July 2, 2004 Wij
dienen de levende God Roy Davison
- June 30, 2004 The Importance of the Written Word J.C.
- June 30, 2004 The Gospel Herald's Fiftieth Year J.C.
- June 5, 2004 I sat where they sat J.C. Bailey
- June 2, 2004 Is the church important? J.C. Bailey
- May 28, 2004 The universal priesthood of believers J.C.
- March 15, 2004 Prayer:
Power from God Joseph Andrasik
- March 15, 2004 There
is one body Roy Davison
- March 15, 2004 Er
is één lichaam Roy Davison
- March 9, 2004 What About Interpretation? J.C. Bailey
- March 3, 2004 Why Not Just Be a Member of the Church? J.C.
- February 13, 2004 A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken J.C.
- February 13, 2004 Not Forsaking Our Own Assembling J.C.
- February 6, 2004 The Basic Error of the Protestant Reformation J.C.
- February 5, 2004 The Holy Spirit J.C. Bailey
- February 1, 2004 Suffering J.C. Bailey
- December 12, 2003 Eight
articles Donny Weimar
True Happiness Found - Who is the Greater Fool? -
Modern Day Miracles, Are They Fact Or Fiction? - The Rules of the
Game - Must the Adulterous Divorce? - It's Not My World Anymore -
To Love Another - Learning Happiness
- November 27, 2003 Why I
Left The Homosexual Lifestyle Tony Horton
- November 27, 2003 Homosexual Propaganda Tony Horton
- November 27, 2003 Transformation Tony Horton
- November 27, 2003 Ex-Gay!
Alive to God and Dead to Sin! Tony Horton
- November 15, 2003 New
Testament in Survey Paul Southern
- August 31, 2003 Do
you want to have a good life? Roy Davison
- August 31, 2003 Wenst u een goed leven te hebben? Roy
- July 21, 2003 The
Lord hears the prayer of the righteous Roy
- July 21, 2003 De Here
hoort het gebed van de rechtvaardige Roy Davison
- March 20, 2003 Wars and
Rumors of Wars Roy Davison
- March 20, 2003 Oorlogen en Geruchten van Oorlogen Roy
- February 25, 2003 Can
We Give an Answer? Richard Mansel
- February 25, 2003 What's Wrong With Beauty and the Beast? Richard
- February 25, 2003 Will
Good Works Save Me? Richard Mansel
- February 25, 2003 Abiding in Him Richard Mansel
- February 25, 2003 Handling Our Anger Richard Mansel
- February 25, 2003 Speaking the Truth in Love Richard
- February 25, 2003 Listen to the Silence Richard Mansel
- February 25, 2003 How
Kids Get into Trouble Richard Mansel
- February 25, 2003 The Testimony of Enemies Richard Mansel
- February 25, 2003 The
Book was Better Richard Mansel
- February 14, 2003 Are
you on the right road? Roy Davison
- February 14, 2003 Bent
u op de goede weg? Roy Davison
- February 13, 2003 Angels
in Revelation Roy Davison
- January 2, 2003 Commentary on First Peter Charles
- November 12, 2002 Bouw
op de Rots Roy Davison
- November 12, 2002 Hoedt
de kudde Gods Roy Davison
- August 6, 2002 Evidences of the Personal Touch Autobiography by
Mrs. J.C. (Myrtle) Bailey
- June 13, 2002 Commentary on Ephesians Charles Hess
- April 4, 2002 The
church of Christ is one body: unique, indivisible, exclusive and
real Roy Davison
- April 4, 2002 De
gemeente van Christus is één lichaam: uniek,
ondeelbaar, exclusief en echt Roy Davison
- February 27, 2002 Don't worry. Be happy. Roy Davison
- February 27, 2002 They
continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine Roy
- February 27, 2002 Zij
bleven volharden bij het onderwijs van de apostelen Roy
- February 21, 2002 Audio sermon Franklin Camp
The Kingdom of God in the Book of
- February 16, 2002 Audio sermon Franklin Camp
Refutation of
- February 16, 2002 Audio sermon Andrew
Great Commission
- February 14, 2002 The Providence of God Louis Rushmore
- December 23, 2001 They
Shall Walk with Me in White Roy Davison
- December 23, 2001 Zij
zullen met Mij in witte klederen wandelen Roy
- December 20, 2001 Audio sermons Andrew
Christ a New Creature He Went About Doing
- December 12, 2001 Audio sermon Germaine
Nature of Man - Anthropological Evidence
- December 7, 2001 Audio sermons Franklin Camp
'The Lamb of God' - 'The Love of God' -
'The Providence of God' - 'Remember now thy Creator in the days of
thy youth'
- December 6, 2001 The
Lord Hates Hands that Shed Innocent Blood Roy
- October 10, 2001 Forty Years A Canadian Preacher (1921-1961) J. C.
- September 13, 2001 What do
we need? Roy Davison
- September 13, 2001 Wat
hebben wij nodig? Roy Davison
- July 30, 2001 Commentary on
James Charles Hess
- July 26, 2001 Audio: Five more radio broadcasts Germaine
- July 3, 2001 Audio: Five more radio broadcasts Germaine
- June 11, 2001 We
must all speak the same thing Roy Davison
- June 11, 2001 Weest
allen eenstemmig Roy Davison
- May 14, 2001 What
happened to that gay city Sodom? Roy Davison
- March 17, 2001 Hoe
kunnen wij de ware gemeente herkennen? Roy
- March 5, 2001 Audio: Nine radio broadcasts Germaine
- March 5, 2001 Launch of Audio
Section to The Old Paths Archive
- December 21, 2000 Who
has created these things? Roy Davison
- December 21, 2000 Wie
heeft dit alles geschapen? Roy Davison
- December 20, 2000 Completed
E-mail Bible Class studies
Text files of completed lessons may be
- November 7, 2000 Names and
titles C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 12, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- November 7, 2000 Baptism
C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 11, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- November 3, 2000 What must I
do to be saved? C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 10, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- November 2, 2000 Faith and
Obedience C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 9, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- November 1, 2000 The
Covenants C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 8, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- October 28, 2000 Are you
building a tower of Babel? Roy Davison
- October 27, 2000 Total
(Hereditary) Depravity C. A.
7, Calvinism in the Light of God's Word
- October 9, 2000 A
Selfish, Greedy, Righteous Man T. Pierce Brown
- September 4, 2000 Only
a Vegetable? Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 The Teacher Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 Hope Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 By Whose Standards? Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 Virtuous Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 Walk Upright Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 What Are You Worth? Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 The
Feminist Influence Sandra Cobble
- September 4, 2000 In the Hands of Mortal Men Sandra
- September 4, 2000 Wise
Use of Time Sandra Cobble
- September 2, 2000 God Is Love - A Child's Concept Sandra
- September 2, 2000 Do
You Care Enough to Save a Life? Sandra Cobble
- September 2, 2000 Broken; All Broken Sandra Cobble
- September 2, 2000 In Appreciation of Our Elders Sandra
- September 2, 2000 Learning Contentment Sandra Cobble
- September 2, 2000 All Things Work Together for Good? Sandra
- September 2, 2000 Who Is In Control? Sandra Cobble
- September 2, 2000 The Word "Baptism" Sandra Cobble
- September 2, 2000 The Word "Church" Sandra Cobble
- September 2, 2000 The Dignity of Man Sandra Cobble
- August 30, 2000 Remember when... Tim McNeill
- August 26, 2000 Unconditional
Election C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 6, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- August 26, 2000 Limited
Atonement C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 5, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- August 15, 2000 Peter
was Grieved T. Pierce Brown
- July 14, 2000 Christ
- Yes; The Church - No? T. Pierce Brown
- June 28, 2000 Irresistible
Grace C. A. Feenstra
Chapter 4, Calvinism in the Light of God's
- June 28, 2000 They
Are Without Excuse Roy Davison
- June 13, 2000 Directory of churches of Christ in the United
Kingdom and Ireland
- June 12, 2000 Put
Your Trust in the Lord Roy Davison
- June 9, 2000 The
Foreknowledge of "I AM" T. Pierce Brown
- May 25, 2000 Commentary on John's Third Letter Charles
- May 23, 2000 Commentary on the Letter of Jude Charles
- May 17, 2000 Calvinism in
the Light of God's Word C. A. Feenstra
- Apr 22, 2000 He who
has ears to hear, let him hear! Roy Davison
- Feb 25, 2000 700
articles in text format for downloading T. Pierce
- Feb 20, 2000 God has
appointed men as leaders in the home and in the church Roy
- Feb 16, 2000 Courage Sandra Cobble
- Feb 14, 2000 Been There Sandra Cobble
- Feb 14, 2000 Belief Systems and Christian Counseling Sandra
- Jan 23, 2000 Dieu,
Créateur de la Science Joseph Andrasik
- Jan 21, 2000 The Baby
and the Wash T. Pierce Brown
- Jan 21, 2000 Grace,
Works and Salvation T. Pierce Brown
- Jan 15, 2000 Dispensations T. Pierce Brown
- Jan 15, 2000 The Same
God T. Pierce Brown
- Jan 15, 2000 Sealed by
the Spirit T. Pierce Brown
- Jan 15, 2000 What is
the real cause of the AIDS pandemic? Roy Davison
- Jan 15, 2000 Op de
eerste dag van de week Roy Davison
- Jan 15, 2000 De
samenkomsten van de eerste christenen Roy
- Dec. 13, 1999 Now is
the Day of Salvation Roy Davison
- Dec. 13, 1999 Nu is
het de dag des heils Roy Davison
- Dec. 6, 1999 Why Do I
Suffer? Joseph Andrasik
- Dec. 6, 1999 The
Appearance of Evil T. Pierce Brown
- Dec. 6, 1999 Prove
All Things T. Pierce Brown
- Dec. 5, 1999 It is
shameful for a woman to speak in church Roy
- Dec. 5, 1999 Het
staat lelijk voor een vrouw te spreken in de gemeente Roy
- Oct. 9, 1999 It is
Time to Wake Up Roy Davison